In this podcast episode, Growing for Market talks with mother/daughter team Dru Rivers and Hannah Muller of Full Belly Farm in California about growing 15 acres of certified organic flowers. Dru is…
This Growing for Market podcast explores efficient systems and organization for packing sheds and more with some of the industry's top problem-solvers. The episode focuses on ways to optimize the pack…
This 2018 farmer-focused guide provides practical information on a range of equipment sharing models, and then walks readers through the steps of designing your designing your own equipment sharing…
This guide, developed by Farm Commons, covers the basics of farm law and provides additional resources and action steps to assist educators and service providers working to build long-term legal…
Health Savings Accounts allow you to pay for unreimbursed medical expenses such as deductibles, co-payments, and services not covered by insurance—if you have a high-deductible health plan. This fact…
This 45-minute recording takes you on a quick tour of the online Farm Labor Dashboard’s four interactive tools and its growing resource library of labor management tools, information and resources for…
Cases of Avian Influenza in dairy cattle have been identified in eight states in 26 herds as of May 10, 2024. The detected strain of the virus has also been confirmed in at least one person that had…
In Hiring a Farm Employee in Vermont: Tax and Paperwork Checklist, Farm Commons provides a checklist and explanation of legal issues Vermont farmers should attend to at the time of hiring. It was last…
Created by Rouge Farm Corp, this Mentor Self-Assessment allows for managers, farm owners, and staff to evaluate communication and leadership skills necessary for a healthy farm team. This tool is…
Amanda Andrews grows seven acres of certified organic vegetables for local and regional wholesale markets on Tamarack Hollow Farm in Plainfield, Vermont. In this interview, Amanda shares tips on recruiting, hiring and managing employees.
Labor Advice on Tap: Women Farmers Offer Insider Tips to Successfully Hire & Manage Farm StaffThis interview is part of the Farm Labor Dashboard's "Labor on Tap" series of conversations with five…
Labor Advice on Tap: Women Farmers Offer Insider Tips to Successfully Hire & Manage Farm Staff This interview is part of the Farm Labor Dashboard's "Labor on Tap" series of conversations with five…
Labor Advice on Tap: Women Farmers Offer Insider Tips to Successfully Hire & Manage Farm Staff This interview is part of the Farm Labor Dashboard's "Labor on Tap" series of conversations with five…
Interviews are one of the most important steps in the hiring process. They provides an opportunity to get to know applicants before you make a commitment and invest in a new employee.
When it comes…
Developed by the Vermont chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, it provides guidance on what to do should ICE or Border Patrol comes to your farm or place of employment, or stops your vehicle. Note: While the information in this resources has been reviewed by immigration attorneys, it should not be considered legal advice. For legal advice pertaining to your needs please consult with an attorney.
Reporting on two sets of interviews with 90 farmers and 19 farm workers in six states, this 2021 online seminar session shared highlights from stories about hiring and working on small and mid-sized…
This March 2021 series presented highlights from recent research and extension projects focusing on labor management and decision-making on small and mid-sized produce and livestock farms. Links to…
This educational guide covers a broad range of legal topics relevant to agricultural producers in New Hampshire. Updated in 2020, it includes the following topics:
labor and…
If you are new to the legal aspects being a farm employer, you will want to gain an understanding the following topics at a minimum: workers compensation, minimum wage, paperwork needed at the start…