In this short blog post, ̽̽ Extension's Mary Peabody outlines an easy steps every farmer can take to make sure first responders can quickly get to your farm and help anyone who has been injured or…
The resources below offer a variety of communication and management tips and techniques and tools to help create a positive and productive farm work environment.
Training Your Employees: Training…
Maintaining physical distance is an important step in limiting the spread of COVID-19. But how does physical distancing work on a farm when new employees need training, coaching and oversight? This…
It is common to hear farmers talk about how quickly a pricey piece of equipment will “pay for itself” over time. The Equipment Cost Recovery Calculator helps turn these claims into careful estimations…
This 260-page publication provides a broad range of practical and easy-to-implement solutions for improving safety, health and working conditions in agriculture. It was produced by the International…
Ergonomics for Farm Workers - This guide from the CDC provides descriptions, diagrams and photographs illustrating ergonomic guidelines and practices that can people people safe, comfortable and…
This guide from the CDC provides tip sheets that show how to make or modify tools to the reduce the risk of back aches and other pain in the shoulders, arms and hands that common to people who engage…
While oriented to cow dairies, this publication from the Center for Agricultural Research, Education, and Disease and Injury Prevention provides a variety of tips and strategies to prevent back pain…
Yoga For Farmers Hand-Out This one-page hand out from the University of Maine Cooperative Extension and Maine Agribility provides images and instructions of stretches farmers and farm employees can…
This article in The Conversation, discusses how household expenses like access to health care and child care affects farm development.
The authors are: Shoshanah Inwood, Assistant Professor of…
Produced by University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension and University of Vermont Extension, the Farm Labor Video Series is six short (about 5 minutes) video lessons on key aspects of managing…
This 36-page booklet explains what machinery management is, why it is important, and the basics of selecting, maintaining, operating and replacing farm equipment and machinery.
In this August 2022 Growing for Market Magazine article, farmer Katie Kulla talks about preparation farmers can make before the baby comes for a smooth addition of a new member of the family farm and…
In this episode of Growing for Market Podcast listen to Katie Kulla talk about the preparations she made on farm such as "our first employees and built in as much flexibility as we could into our…
(Part 2 of 2 Episodes)
This Growing for Market Podcast X Neversink Farm Podcast episode features Katie Kulla from Oakhill Organics in Oregon talking about how farmers who have just had a baby can…
This exercise can help build more productive and stronger farm work teams. It can help improve how employees work together and their level of compassion for each other. Finally, it can help you become…
This 3-minute video shares a quick activity that can help build more productive and stronger farm work teams. The exercise can help improve how employees work together, their level of compassion for…
Negotiation skills are part of every farm business managers essential toolkit. But women and beginning farmers frequently feel unprepared and unskilled in this form of communication. Use the slide…