Once applications begin rolling in you will need a system for selecting those applicants that you’d like to interview. Your job descriptions should lead you to a list of qualifications which will help…
This three-part video series demonstrates how to use partial budgeting as a decision tool for tractor and equipment investments. The videos provide examples of how farmers can use the partial budget…
Developed by the National Farm Medicine Center, The Safer Farms initiative developed a series of hazard analysis tools and forms to help you identify and address risks. The tools and forms are free,…
Standard Operating Procedures, or SOPs are documents that outline how to complete a task. These protocols are a simple way to ensure that routine farm processes happen the same way each time. A…
Staying safe in extreme heat is both a priority and a growing challenge for farmworkers. This recording of a May 2024 "Free School" webinar provides practical information about preventing, identifying and responding to heat-related illness. Geared specifically to farm workers, it is available in both English and Spanish.
Join the farmers at Rock Steady Farm in this recorded January 2022 presentation on their workplace culture, farm policies, care focused approach, and on how to build an inclusive workplace on your…
Tax and Paperwork Checklist for Hiring an Ag Employee, by Erin Hannum and Rachel Armstrong of Farm Commons. The checklist guides farmers through the initial steps of hiring an employee. It illustrates…
Form 1099 is used to report various forms of income other than wages, salaries, and tips to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and to the recipient of the payment. Agricultural producers may both…
This 2021 journal article from Temple Grandin explains ways to minimize stress on livestock, which in turn reduces hazards to farmers and farm workers.
Download the The Visual, Auditory, and…
The Chittenden County (Vermont) Opioid Alliance (CCOA) developed the 43-page Employer Toolkit to provide employers with tools necessary to employing people in recovery from substance use disorders.…
The biggest expense on just about any diversified produce farm is labor. It is also the hardest to track. This 17-minute video presentation provides practical approaches to record keeping about labor…
This webpage from ¶¶Òõ̽̽ Extension's Ground Work Program brings together a number of resources to help you make decisions about purchasing equipment and machinery.
This 2020 Iowa State University publication outlines nine practices agricultural employers should cover during training with employees who operate tractors. These practices help prevent tractor…
A video from the Farm Manager Video Series Training your crews to do their jobs effectively from the start is a key way to avoid problems later. This short video shares a variety of practical…
The UMASH Safety Check is designed to help farmers identify and fix potential hazards before they cause harm to people working on your farms. It includes checklists, tips, and resources to help…
This publication can help you evaluate whether buying used farm machinery makes sense for your operation. In addition to providing information on how to assess the quality and serviceability of the…
View this recording to learn about strategies for identifying, evaluating and using wearable technology that can make you and your employees healthier and safer while working in agriculture. The…
Katie Kulla writes an important article about an often overlooked, but important, health issue-skin protection. Explore why skin protection matters and how you can go out into the field confident that…
This January 2024 online workshop featured a panel of experienced Vermont farmers who described how and why their employee handbooks have helped finding and retaining employees, establishing and maintaining team morale and overall farm efficiency.