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Tags: forests
- Project Forest Connectivity and Patch Size Metrics for the Northeast (Score: 1)
- Dataset Variable Names and Format (Score: 0.99)
- Dataset Forest Inventory (Score: 0.99)
- Dataset Landscape-scale forest connectivity for the Northeast (Score: 0.93)
- Dataset Overstory and regeneration data from the "Rehabilitation of cutover mixedwood stands" study at the Penobscot Experimental Forest (Score: 0.86)
- Project Forest Inventory of Lye Brook Wilderness Area (Score: 0.82)
- Project A Decision-Support System for Management of Sugar Maple Defoliated by Forest Tent Caterpillar (Score: 0.82)
- Project New York City Watershed Lands Forest Inventory (Score: 0.82)
- Project Holt Research Forest Bird Behavior Observations (Score: 0.82)
- Project Historical Forest Inventory and Analysis Data for Maine (Score: 0.82)
- Project Federal Forest Inventory and Analysis Data for the Northeast (Score: 0.82)
- Project Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study (Score: 0.82)
- Dataset Tree Data from 2001 Ground Survey (Score: 0.82)
- Dataset Forest Pest Monitoring: Forest Tent Caterpillar (Score: 0.82)
- Dataset Tree Data from 1986 Ground Survey (Score: 0.82)
- Dataset Tree Identifying Information (Score: 0.82)
- Dataset Vermont Plot Data 1991-1999 (Score: 0.82)
- Dataset Forest Tent Caterpillar Survey Tree Data (Score: 0.82)
- Dataset Carbon Storage and Net Growth of Vermonts Forests (Score: 0.82)
- Dataset Northeast Forest Cover (Score: 0.82)
- Dataset Permanent Plots at Pisgah State Forest in Winchester NH since 1984 (Score: 0.82)
- Dataset Understory Vegetation in Hemlock Removal Experiment at Harvard Forest since 2003 (Score: 0.82)
- Dataset Inventory Powell Data (Score: 0.82)
- Project Forest Pest Monitoring: Pear Thrips Monitoring (Score: 0.82)
- Project Forest Inventory of the Ecosystem Management Demonstration Project area: Revised FOREX (Score: 0.82)
- Project Forest Pest Monitoring: Forest Tent Caterpillar, Spruce Budworm and Hemlock Looper Monitoring (Score: 0.82)
- Project Assessment of Damage from the 1998 Ice Storm (Score: 0.82)
- Project Holt Research Forest Understory Releve, S1 Lines (Score: 0.82)
- Dataset Historical New York Forest Tent Caterpillar Damage (Score: 0.82)
- Dataset Tree Identifying Information (Score: 0.82)
- Project Vermont Forest Health Monitoring (Score: 0.74)
- Project Green Mountain National Forests Long-term Ecosystem Monitoring Project (LEMP) (Score: 0.74)
- Project Continuous Forest Inventory on the state forests in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont (Score: 0.74)
- Project Massachusetts State Lands Continuous Forest Inventory (Score: 0.74)
- Project Massachusetts Forest Health Monitoring (Score: 0.74)
- Project Regional Forest Health Monitoring (Score: 0.74)
- Project Global Change Fingerprints in Protected Montane Forests of Northeastern US (Score: 0.71)
- Project New York City Watershed Lands Forest Stand Delination (Score: 0.71)
- Project Forest Research at Harvard Forest (Score: 0.71)
- Project Forest Research at Penobscot Experimental Forest (Score: 0.71)
- Project Connecticut Highlands Study (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Baxter State Park Scientific Management Area- CFI (Access Database) (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Plantation Biodiversity Plots at Harvard Forest since 2007 (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Moose Foraging in Temperate Forests of Central Massachusetts 2005 (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Deer and Moose Browsing in Hemlock Removal Experiment at Harvard Forest 2008 (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Seedlings and Saplings in the Clearcut Site at Harvard Forest since 2013 (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Hurricane Recovery Plots at Harvard Forest since 1937 (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Tree recruitment data for the Hubbard Brook Valley Plots, baseline data collected 1995 - 1998 (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Overstory Tree and Regeneration Data from the "Management Intensity Demonstration" Study: Penobscot Experimental Forest (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Overstory tree and regeneration data from the "Silvicultural Effects on Composition, Structure, and Growth" study at Penobscot Experimental Forest (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Ecosystem and Vegetation Response to Hemlock Logging in Southern New England 1999-2005 (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Impacts of Hemlock Harvesting in Central Massachusetts 2003-2009 (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Vegetation Response in Simulated Hurricane Experiment at Harvard Forest since 1990 (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Tree Seedlings in CRUI Land Use Project at Harvard Forest 1996 (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Timber Harvesting Field Study in Western Massachusetts 2004-2005 (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Plantation Biodiversity Plots at Harvard Forest since 2007 (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Hurricane Recovery Plots at Harvard Forest since 1937 (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Forest Inventory of a Whole Tree Harvest 1982-2009: Watershed 5, Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Forest Inventory of a Northern Hardwood Forest 1965-2017: Watershed 6, Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (Score: 0.71)
- Project Forest Inventory of the Ecosystem Management Demonstration Project Area: Tree health (Score: 0.7)
- Project Federal Forest Inventory and Analysis Data for Vermont (Score: 0.7)
- Project Experimental Ice Glazing in a Northern Hardwood Forest to Understand Ecological Impacts of Ice Storms (Score: 0.7)
- Project Growth and environmental change for key tree species within the Northern Forest (Score: 0.7)
- Project Shaw Mountain Ice Storm Study 1998-2002 (Score: 0.7)
- Project Maine Natural Areas Program, Ecological Reserve System (Score: 0.7)
- Project Northeast Temperate Inventory and Monitoring Network (Score: 0.7)
- Project Hubbardton River Clayplain Natural Area Restoration Project (Score: 0.7)
- Project Hardwood Regeneration in Connecticut ("Old-Series") (Score: 0.7)
- Project Hardwood Regeneration in Connecticut ("New-Series") (Score: 0.7)
- Project Connecticut Cutting Method Study (Score: 0.7)
- Project Tree species, diameter, and canopy class records for 4-paired plots in Black Rock Forest, NY, since 1931. (Score: 0.7)
- Dataset Yearly Plot-level Summaries of Forest Health Indicators (Score: 0.7)
- Dataset New York Forest Distrurbance Aerial Detection Data, 2002 to 2015 (Score: 0.7)
- Dataset Baxter State Park Sapling Measurements (Score: 0.7)
- Dataset Plot Identifying Information (Score: 0.7)
- Dataset Plot Snapshot Data Gathered Through the Forest Inventory and Analysis Program (Score: 0.7)
- Dataset Vermont Forest Cover (Score: 0.7)
- Dataset North East Temperate Inventory (Score: 0.7)
- Dataset Role of Moose and Deer Browsing in Unharvested Forests of Southern New England since 2011 (Score: 0.7)
- Dataset Continuous Revegetation Survey Data, Watershed 5, Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, 1984 - 1989 (Score: 0.7)
- Dataset Regeneration Assessment Framework (Score: 0.7)
- Dataset Forest Inventory of a Calcium Amended Northern Hardwood Forest 1996-2011: Watershed 1, Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (Score: 0.7)
- Dataset Inventory of Hubbard Brook Valley Plots (Score: 0.7)
- Dataset Hemlock History Plots at Harvard Forest since 1995 (Score: 0.7)
- Dataset Forest clearing summarized by county (Score: 0.7)
- Project Lye Brook - Wildlife (Score: 0.66)
- Project New York Aerial Forest Health Surveys (Score: 0.66)
- Project FPR Fire weather Remote Automated Weather Stations (RAWS) (Score: 0.66)
- Project Mercury Hotspots in Montane Ecosystems of the Northeast Forest (Score: 0.66)
- Project Burlington Urban Forest Monitoring 2016 (i-Tree) (Score: 0.66)
- Project Lichen Monitoring at Lye Brook and Mount Mansfield (Score: 0.66)
- Project Northern forest projected forest cover change: 2015 - 2045 (Score: 0.66)
- Project Holt Research Forest Understory Releve, 1m2 plots (Score: 0.66)
- Project Holt Research Forest Sapling Mapping, S10 Lines (Score: 0.66)
- Project Holt Research Forest Tree Heights, Estimated and Measured (Score: 0.66)
- Project Holt Research Forest Crown Measurements, S10 Plots (Score: 0.66)
- Project Forest Survey and Inventory Data for Society for the Protection of NH Forests (Score: 0.66)
- Project Black Rock Forest (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Forest Health Monitoring: Mt Mansfield, Lye Brook Wilderness Area, and Ranch Valley (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Tree Metrics Summarized to the Plot Level (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Subplot Visitation Information (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Nulhegan (Brunswick, VT) - 430402 - NLHVI (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Essex Juntion VT - 430501 - ESXV1 (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Sweezy (Danby VT) - 431301 - DBYVT1 (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Vermont Lichen Abundance 1994-1999 (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Vermont Plot Condition Class 1991-1999 (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Vermont Plot Summary 1997-1999 (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Vermont Seedling Data 1991-1999 (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset 2004-2007 & 2016 Root Starch Analysis Data (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Forest Tent Caterpillar Forest Stand Data (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Dieback (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Forest Tent Caterpillar Survey Stand Data (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Vermont Forest Inventory and Analysis Seedling Table (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Seedling Measurements on Subplots (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Map of Northern Forest forest cover change: probability of deforestation/reforestation 2015 - 2045 (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Forest Health Monitoring Natural Community List (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Vegetative Sampling Plot Data (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Abiotic Conditions (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Tree Vitality Analysis (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Seedling Density with Fewer Height Classes (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Seedling Density (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Northeast Forest Landcover Classifications (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Vegetation Size Categories and Corresponding Plot Size (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Number of Trees Per Plot (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Percentage of Trees, Saplings, and Seedlings (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Species Codes (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Forestland area by age class for the Northeast (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Forest clearing detected via remote sensing in New Hampshire (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Hemispherical Photo Identifying Information (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Sapling Measurements on Subplots (Score: 0.66)
- Dataset Seedling Measurements on Subplots (Score: 0.66)
- Project Forest Health Monitoring: North American Maple Project (Score: 0.58)
- Project Northeastern Regional Aerial Detection Surveys and Insect and Disease Surveys (Score: 0.58)
- Project Wind Disturbance in Temperate Forests (Score: 0.58)
- Project Holt Research Forest Tree Regeneration (Score: 0.58)
- Project Forest clearing detected in New Hampshire using remote sensing (2000-2018) (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Tree-level Data Gathered Through the Forest Inventory and Analysis Program (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Tree Data (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Baxter State Park - CFI Sample Units (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Route Information (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Standardized Regional Aerial Detection Survey Disturbance Spatial Data (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset General Survey Mission Information (Flown/Not Flown) (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Standardized Regional Aerial Detection Survey Disturbance Tabular Data (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Tree Health Measurements (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Plot Vegetation Visit Information (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Forest Stand Delineation (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Role of Moose and Deer Browsing in Harvested Forests of Southern New England since 2008 (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Regeneration Following Clearcutting Study at Harvard Forest since 1991 (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Tree Growth and Coarse Woody Debris in Regenerating Forests at Harvard Forest since 2008 (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Seed Bank in Hemlock Removal Experiment at Harvard Forest 2004-2015 (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Hemlock Understory Vegetation Plots at Harvard Forest since 2002 (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Long-Term Impacts of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid on Forest Carbon at Harvard Forest 2008-2011 (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Tree Seed Dispersal in Hemlock Removal Experiment at Harvard Forest 2005 (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Effects of Warming on Tree Species Recruitment at Harvard Forest and Duke Forest since 2009 (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Tree Identifying Information (Score: 0.58)
- Project Sources & Sinks of Chloroform and its Precursors (Score: 0.58)
- Project Disturbance Effects and Temporal Stability of Forest Health Indicators in Forest Health Monitoring Plots (Score: 0.58)
- Project Tree Phenology Monitoring: Fall Color and Leaf Drop (Score: 0.58)
- Project Forest Pest Monitoring: Gypsy Moth Monitoring (Score: 0.58)
- Project Forest Health Monitoring: Seasonal variation in crown ratings (Score: 0.58)
- Project Forest Inventory of the Ecosystem Management Demonstration Project area.: Understory vegetation list (Score: 0.58)
- Project Natural Community Classification of the Stevensville Brook Parcel on Mount Mansfield (Score: 0.58)
- Project Natural Community Mapping on Mount Mansfield: Forest Examination Inventory (FOREX) (Score: 0.58)
- Project Tree Nutrition Status on Long-term Soil Monitoring Plots (Score: 0.58)
- Project Soil Temperature Gradients in a Northern Hardwood Forest (Score: 0.58)
- Project Natural Community Mapping on Mount Mansfield: Quantitative community characterization (Score: 0.58)
- Project Winter Injury Assessment of Red Spruce on Mt. Mansfield (Score: 0.58)
- Project Burlington Urban Forest Monitoring Using i-Tree Eco (Score: 0.58)
- Project Winooski Urban Forest Inventory (Score: 0.58)
- Project Bird Habitat Assessment on Forest Health Monitoring Plots (Score: 0.58)
- Project EPSCOR Vegetative Phenology Metric Data (Score: 0.58)
- Project Tree Foliage Chemistry Database to Monitor Forest Health (Score: 0.58)
- Project Testing the Ability of a Remote-Sensing Tool (LiDAR) to Assess Tree Health and Bird and Insect Populations (Score: 0.58)
- Project Northern Hardwood Forests as Refuges for Giant Silk Moths Threatened by Non-Target Biological Control (Score: 0.58)
- Project Ecology & Evolution of the Adiantum pedatum complex in the Green Mountains (Score: 0.58)
- Project Root Starch Analysis and Forest Tent Caterpillar (Score: 0.58)
- Project 1984-85 Vermont Forest Tent Caterpillar Impact Survey (Score: 0.58)
- Project Forest Tent Caterpillar Egg Mass Surveys and Tree Health 1977-1980 (Score: 0.58)
- Project 1997-2016 Vermont Ozone Biodindicator Plant Monitoring (Score: 0.58)
- Project Holt Research Forest Tree Seedling Counts, 1m2 Plots (Score: 0.58)
- Project Holt Research Forest Salamander Counts and Measurements (Score: 0.58)
- Project Holt Research Forest Salamander Stations Timber Inventory (Score: 0.58)
- Project Holt Research Forest Understory Releve, Subquadrats (Score: 0.58)
- Project Holt Research Forest Oak Seedling Survey (Score: 0.58)
- Project Connecticut Forest Habitat Study (Score: 0.58)
- Project Drivers and projections of forest fragmentation in Vermont and the Northeast (Score: 0.58)
- Project Rhode Island Spongy Moth Egg Mass Survey (Score: 0.58)
- Project Rhode Island Spongy Moth Defoliation Monitoring Records (Score: 0.58)
- Project Rhode Island Cropland and Forest Data Layer (Score: 0.58)
- Project Comparing performance of low-cost dendrometers to traditional dendrometers in tracking tree growth in a changing climate (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Raw Forest Canopy Meteorological Tower Data (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset FOREX Trees (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Canopy Health Monitoring 1991-1992 (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Species Codes Used in Forest Inventory and Analysis Program (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Forest Condition Trend Data, 1984-2009 (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Tree Health and Physiology Measurements (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Prism Measurements on Subplots (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Subplot Identifying Information (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset FIA Data After Ice Storm (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Sugarbush Data After Ice Storm (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset NAMP Plot Locations (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Project Data (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset 2016 Chittenden County i-Tree Tree Data (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Plot Level Information for 2016 i-Tree (Access Database) (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Summaries (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Forest Tent Caterpillar Survey Egg Mass Data (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Baxter State Park Tree Measurements (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Plot Identifying Information (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Historical New Hampshire Aerial Detection and Disturbance Data, 1965 to 1996 (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Soil Data (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Canopy Composition (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Northeastern Forest Percent Basal Area Rasters by Species (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Number of Live Trees by DBH (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Carbon Storage and Net Growth of the Northeastern Forests (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Fern Understory as an Ecological Filter at Harvard Forest 1993-1995 (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Red Maple Seedling Soil Warming Experiment in Harvard Forest Lath House 2015 (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset Subplot Identifying Information (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset VT 1977 1985 Sugarbush Survey Summary Data (Score: 0.58)
- Dataset 1977 Vermont Sugarbush Health Survey Tree Data (Score: 0.58)
- Project Vermont Long-Term Soil Monitoring Program (Score: 0.57)
- Project Baxter State Park Scientific Forest Management Area - Continuous Forest Inventory (Score: 0.57)
- Dataset Forest clearing summarized by land ownership type (Score: 0.57)
- Project Tree Phenology Monitoring: Bud development (Score: 0.49)
- Project Sugar Maple Regeneration in Sugarbushes (Score: 0.49)
- Project Forest Environmental Monitoring (Canopy Tower) (Score: 0.49)
- Project Vermont Statewide Aerial Sketchmapping of Tree Defoliation, Mortality and other Damages (Score: 0.49)
- Project Structure and Development of Northern Hardwood Stands (Score: 0.49)
- Project Evaluating Crown Canopy Changes in Ice Damaged Forests by Image Analysis (Score: 0.49)
- Project Forest Ecosystem Management Demonstration Project: Carabid/Collembola population impacts of management practices in high elevation northern hardwood stands: Pretreatment population/soil characteristic (Score: 0.49)
- Project Eddy Covariance Measurements of Ecosystem CO2 Exchange (Score: 0.49)
- Project Tree Phenology Monitoring: Understory plant phenology (Score: 0.49)
- Project Forest Condition Change in Northern Vermont: Potential causes and implications for landscape-scale analysis (Score: 0.49)
- Project Northeastern Forest Health Trend Index Derived from Landsat Imagery (Score: 0.49)
- Project Effects of Beech Bark Disease and Soil Calcium on a Northern Hardwood Forest (Score: 0.49)
- Project Weather-Related Causes of Red Spruce Winter Injury and Impacts on Carbon Storage (Score: 0.49)
- Project Plant-Available Forest Soil Calcium Reduced by Half from 1930s to 2006 in Adirondacks (Score: 0.49)
- Project Catskill Mountains Vegetation Sampling (Score: 0.49)
- Project Catskill Mountains Vegetation Cover Maps (Score: 0.49)
- Project Holt Research Forest Small Mammal Stations Timber Inventory (Score: 0.49)
- Project Mapping forest species mixes across the Northeast from Landsat imagery (Score: 0.49)
- Project Baseline Data for Long-term Forest Vegetation Monitoring at Bear Brook Watershed in Maine (Score: 0.49)
- Project Historical North American Maple Project (Score: 0.49)
- Project Northampton Street Tree Inventory (Score: 0.49)
- Project Impact of moose browsing on forest regeneration in Northeast Vermont (Score: 0.49)
- Project Holt Forest Fern Observations (Score: 0.49)
- Project Estimation of Pisgah State Park Carbon Storage, Sequestration, Emissions and Removals (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset Forest Inventory for FEMDP (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset FOREX (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset FOREX Ground Flora (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset Vegetation Species List (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset Standardized and Combined Aerial Insect and Disease Surveys, 1985 to present (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset Year-by-Year Aerial Insect and Disease Surveys, 1985 to Present (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset Tree Basal Area by Species at Plot (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset Site Environmental Data for Plots (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset Seedling Measurements on Subplots (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset Microplot Sapling Data (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset Vermont Annual Harvest Reports (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset Subplot Identifying Information (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset Plot Visit Information (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset Sampling Schedule (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset Forest Bird Monitoring Project (12 selected sites) (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset Forest patch statistics for the Northeast (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset Historical Maine Forest Service Aerial Detection and Disturbance Data, 1918 to 1997 (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset Historical Massachusetts Aerial Detection and Disturbance Data, 1934 to 1997 (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset Overstory Tree Inventory (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset General Plot Characteristics (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset Downed Woody Material (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset Canopy Cover and Light Penetration (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset Ungulate Browsing and Foundation Tree Regeneration in Central New England 2010 (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset Ungulate-Disturbance Interactions in Hemlock Ecosystems at Harvard Forest since 2012 (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset Gap Partitioning Among Maples at Harvard Forest 1986-1989 (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset Impact of Moose Browsing on Forest Regeneration in Northeast Vermont (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset Subplot Visitation Information (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset Regeneration (Score: 0.49)
- Dataset Landscape Response to Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in Southern New England 1997-2011 (Score: 0.47)
- Project Canopy Health Monitoring (Score: 0.41)
- Project Forest Bird Surveys (Score: 0.41)
- Project Forest Ecosystem Management Demonstration Project: Establishment of silvicultural treatment units (Score: 0.41)
- Project Forest Ecosystem Management Demonstration Project: Small Mammal Baseline Survey (Score: 0.41)
- Project Influence of American Beech Thickets on Biodiversity in Northern Hardwood Forests (Score: 0.41)
- Project Winter Injury, Carbon Loss, but Surprising Growth Resurgence in Red Spruce (Score: 0.41)
- Project Birch Condition Survey (Score: 0.41)
- Project Evaluation of red pine health in new england (Score: 0.41)
- Project Long-term Managed Forest Soil Monitoring for Carbon and Nutrients (Score: 0.41)
- Project Timber Harvest Reports for VT (Score: 0.41)
- Project Vermont Residential Hunting License and Tag Sales (Score: 0.41)
- Project Mountain Birdwatch - VCE (Score: 0.41)
- Project Aboveground and coarse roots carbon storage estimates based on varying forest type specificity for northwestern Vermont and northeastern New York forests (Score: 0.41)
- Dataset Plot-level Data Gathered Through the Forest Inventory and Analysis Program (Score: 0.41)
- Dataset Plot Condition Groups Defined By Forest Inventory and Analysis Program (Score: 0.41)
- Dataset Deer Exclosure Monitoring Sapling Data for Vassar (Score: 0.41)
- Dataset Deer Exclosure Monitoring Sapling Data for The Huyck Preserve (Score: 0.41)
- Dataset Deer Exclosure Monitoring Sapling Data for Teatown Lake Reservation (Score: 0.41)
- Dataset Deer Exclosure Monitoring Sapling Data for Ward Pound Ridge (Score: 0.41)
- Dataset Deer Exclosure Monitoring Sapling Data for the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies (Score: 0.41)
- Dataset Subplot Vegetation data (Score: 0.41)
- Dataset Deer Exclosure Monitoring Sapling Data for Mohonk Preserve (Score: 0.41)
- Dataset Vermont ADS Standardized Data for Indicators Dashboard (Score: 0.41)
- Dataset Core Soil Chemistry (Score: 0.41)
- Dataset Site Identifying Information (Score: 0.41)
- Dataset Understory Herbaceous Cover (Score: 0.41)
- Dataset Understory Herbaceous Plant List (Score: 0.41)
- Dataset Soil sample descriptions (Score: 0.41)
- Dataset Long term bird monitoring in low elevation boreal habitats of the Adirondack Park (Score: 0.41)
- Dataset Percent Coverage (Score: 0.41)
- Dataset Ungulate-Forest Interactions in Partially Harvested Oak-Pine Stands in Central Massachusetts 2009 (Score: 0.41)
- Dataset Phenology and Vegetation Growth in Prospect Hill Soil Warming Experiment at Harvard Forest 1992-1993 (Score: 0.41)
- Dataset Saranac Lake, New York Street Tree Inventory Data (Score: 0.41)
- Dataset Tree Health and Physiology Measurements (Score: 0.41)
- Project The Impact of Deer Overabundance on Forest Regeneration (Score: 0.33)
- Project Mapping Climate Change Exposure for Northeastern Tree Species (Score: 0.33)
- Dataset Coarse Woody Debris data (Score: 0.33)