Project Overview

FEMC partners at the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RI DEM) expressed interest in using spatial data currently available to better characterize riparian areas in Rhode Island. Specifically, RI DEM is interested in a usable data layer that identifies forest cover in riparian buffers near agricultural lands. To achieve this, FEMC overlayed forest-type raster data, agricultural land data, and riparian buffer zones. The products provide RI DEM with an analysis to inform decision-making for conservation planning, land management, and water quality stewardship efforts in Rhode Island.


To create a comprehensive spatial layer of forest type surrounding riparian areas at 100m and 200m in Rhode Island.

Dataset Availability

Downloadable: 5 datasets

See the full list of available data


Status - Completed

Start date: 2024-02-05

End date: 2024-07-02

Study Area

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