Dataset Overview
Soils were described using NRCS procedures referenced in the Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils, version 2.0, September, 2002. The following soil physical properties were described, and the numbers in parentheses refer to page numbers in the Field Book referencing that property: Horizon Designation and lower Boundary (pgs 2-2 to 2-6).; Depth of horizon (upper and lower) in centimeters; Matrix color, moist, Munsell notation; Texture (pgs 2-29 to 2-31); Percent rock fragments by volume (shape- pg 2-40, note basic Percent Chart on page 2-9 – some Munsell color books also have a Percent Chart); structure; grade, size, and type (pgs 2-41 to 2-48); consistence, moist (also referred to as Rupture Resistance, pgs 2-49 to 2-50); Redoximorphic features; quantity, size, contrast – and Munsell color (pgs 2-14 to 2-17; see also quantity, size and contrast charts under Mottles on pgs 2-9 to 2-12); Roots (pgs 2-56 to 2-58); other features such as: organic streaks and stains, type of organic material, moisture status, slope percent, aspect and horizons sampled. Soil chemical properties (such as pH) was not recorded in the field since these were analyzed more accurately in the lab at a later date.
- Data Collection Status
Data collection for this dataset is ongoing
- Start date
- Contents
204 records with 22 fields
- Data Availability
This dataset is not publicly available
- Preferred Citation
Natural Resources Conservation Service, Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative, University of Vermont, USDA Forest Service, Green Mountain National Forest and Northern Research Station, and US Geological Survey (2018) Soil sample descriptions. FEMC. Available online at: /femc/data/archive/project/long-term-soil-monitoring/dataset/soil-sample-descriptions
- Update Frequency
As needed
- Maintenance Plan
Sampling began in 2002 and will occur every 5 years.
- Links
No links available for this dataset
- Related Datasets
- Determining Dataset Similarity
- Previous Versions
- Version 1 - LTSM_SoilDescription_V1 (created 2018-02-13 by John Truong)