Dataset Overview

The aim of this dataset is to quantify the changes over time in woody seedling and sapling abundances and sizes at a site that was clearcut in the fall of 2008, followed by natural regeneration. It evidences successional changes in recruitment, survival, and associated self-thinning, and can be used to quantify an accumulation of aboveground live biomass post-clearing with corresponding allometric relationships.

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This dataset quantifies the changes over time to woody seeling and sapling abundances and sizes after a clearcutting, in order to quantify aboveground live biomass.

Data Collection Status

Data collection for this dataset is ongoing

Start date


Anticipated end date


Data Availability

This dataset is available to download from another website

Data License

Linked - Third party determines data license

Preferred Citation

Williams C, Vanderhoof M, Khomik M, MacLean R. 2016. Seedlings and Saplings in the Clearcut Site at Harvard Forest since 2013. Harvard Forest Data Archive: HF232. Available at:

Update Frequency


Maintenance Plan

Not provided


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