Dataset Overview
Ungulates are attracted to forest openings created by natural disturbance and timber harvesting which results in the abundance of high quality browse in these openings. Despite the increased activity and browsing of ungulates in forest openings, the importance of browsing relative to abiotic factors such as light on forest regeneration is often unclear. In southern New England, medium-intensity harvesting is the predominant forest disturbance attracting white-tailed deer and moose. Oaks, which are in decline, are the foundation hardwood taxon and predominant timber tree in the region. Hence, the effects of ungulate browsing on oak forests are of great interest to ecologists, conservationists and forest and wildlife managers. We sampled tree regeneration and ungulate foraging activity across a range of canopy disturbances (35-90% basal area removed) in 34 stands of the Quabbin and Ware River Watershed Forests. Browsing was very high across the plots with about 80% of red maple and oak stems browsed. Taller stems were generally browsed more frequently than shorter stems. Oak regeneration in the smaller size classes was generally lower in stands with higher percent cover of hay-scented fern. The proportion of browsed red maples and oaks generally increased with increasing density of these taxa. Despite intensive herbivory, oaks appear to be regenerating well with increased light in these partially harvested stands.
- Purpose
The goal of this project was to quantify the interaction between medium intensity disturbance and ungulate browse.
- Data Collection Status
Data collection for this dataset has been completed
- Start date
- End date
- Data Availability
This dataset is available to download from another website
- Data License
Linked - Third party determines data license
- Preferred Citation
Faison E, DeStefano S, Foster D. 2012. Ungulate-Forest Interactions in Partially Harvested Oak-Pine Stands in Central Massachusetts 2009. Harvard Forest Data Archive: HF201. Available at:
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- Maintenance Plan
Not provided
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