Dataset Overview
A whole-tree harvest was conducted during the dormant season of 1983-1984 in order to assess ecosystem response to whole-tree logging operations. Pre-harvest forest inventory surveys were conducted in 1982 on the whole of the watershed. Post-harvest surveys were conducted in 1990, 1994 and every 5 years thereafter. Sampling methods change overtime so users should be aware of these changes when looking to aggregate data. Pre-treatment sampling included all stems >=2cm, post treatment measurements in 1990 were conducted using circular plots, 1995 to 2005 where conducted within a subset of the 25x25m grid cells on 1x25m square plots, and the final measurement 2009 included nested circular plots
- Purpose
To asses the ecosystem response to whole-tree logging operations during the dormant season.
- Data Collection Status
Data collection for this dataset is ongoing
- Start date
- Data Availability
This dataset is available to download from another website
- Data License
Linked - Third party determines data license
- Preferred Citation
Battles, J., C. Johnson, S. Hamburg, T. Fahey, C. Driscoll, and G. Likens. 2019. Forest Inventory of a Whole Tree Harvest: Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest Watershed 5, 2009, 25 years post-harvest ver 2. Environmental Data Initiative.
- Update Frequency
- Maintenance Plan
Not provided
- Links
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