Early warning systems have been shown to be a successful method for improving academic success and retention. Early notification not only alerts students to their unsatisfactory performance, but also provides them with ample time to improve their academic performance.

It is our hope that undergraduate and graduate course instructors will use the Academic Alert System as needed to notify students who are performing unsatisfactorily in class. A key feature of the Academic Alert System is that it can be used early and as many times as needed throughout the semester for faculty to communicate their concerns to students when signs of risk occur.

Here are some examples of when Academic Alerts could be used:

  • When a student has not been attending class regularly or has had several absences
  • When a student consistently arrives late for class or leaves early
  • When a student has not turned in assignments, or assignments have been turned in late
  • When a student receives poor grades on assignments, quizzes or exams
  • When a student does not prepare for class or participate in class discussions
  • When a student’s classroom behavior is inappropriate or disruptive
  • The Academic Alert letter may also be used at mid-term to warn a student that if academic performance does not improve, s/he will likely earn a poor grade or be in danger of failing. To be most effective, Academic Alert letters should be sent as soon as a problem or concern is detected. Faculty are strongly encouraged to discuss with students their use of Academic Alerts in support of students’ success.

Faculty can easily generate warning letters by clicking on “Update” in the “Academic Alert” column on the class roster, which you can access via the My̽̽ Portal at .

Sample Letter

Dear [Student Name],

I am writing because I am concerned about your performance in my [full class name] class. (If you are not in this class, please contact me, immediately.) [FACULTY COMMENTS DETAILING CONCERNS INSERTED HERE]

I urge you to contact me to discuss your situation in this class. Please see me during my office hours or make an appointment by talking with me after class or emailing [instructor email address].

Please note that your academic advisor(s) will receive notification of this letter. I recommend that you contact your advisor [advisor name] at [advisor email] to discuss strategies for improving your performance.

Here is a link to additional campus resources that may be helpful to you:

Your academic success is important to me, your advisor, and others at ̽̽. While we will do all we can to assist you, it is up to you to take the initiative.


[Faculty Name]

cc: [Advisor Name]


̽̽ has implemented a uniform Academic Alert system for all undergraduate courses under the 100 level. Follow these simple steps to submit Academic Alert letters for students in your classes:

Step 1: Inform your students that you will be issuing Academic Alerts, and explain to them the criteria that you are using to determine if an Academic Alert is to be issued.

Step 2: Refer to your grade records to identify which students should receive an Academic Alert.

Step 3: Follow the steps below to complete the Academic Alert process:

3a: Get your course roster through the my̽̽ Portal Faculty Access:

  • Click on the my̽̽ link found on the upper right hand corner of any ̽̽ web page.
  • Enter your ̽̽ netid and password. This will bring you to your page in my̽̽.
  • Click on the Class Roster.
  • Select the Term and CRN for the course from the drop down lists.

3b: Change the status of the class and the student(s):

  • For each student that should receive an Academic Alert, click on the Update link next to his or her name.

Academic Alert 1

Academic Alert 2

3c: Display/send Academic Alert letter:

  • Preview the letter. Please be sure that all contact information is correct.
  • Please insert your comments in the highlighted text box. You may use your own words, or copy and paste any of the examples provided at the top of the screen. (You may leave the text box blank, but we recommend adding details here.)
  • Click on the Send Letter button to send the email to the student, or click on the Just Return to the Class Roster without updating link to return to the class roster without sending the email.

If you have questions or comments regarding the Academic Alert process, please email Academic.Alert@uvm.edu.

Advisor Information

As an advisor, you can access Academic Alert Letter Reports for all of your advisees.

  • After logging into your my̽̽ portal, click on the Advisee List Report.
  • The last column on the right will show you whether an Academic Alert has been sent to your student, and how many have been sent.
  • Click on the Academic Alert link to view specific information for your advisee. You will see a list of classes that indicate where the Academic Alerts came from.

Resources for Students who Receive an Academic Alert Letter

NOTE: The link to share with students for this list


, 106 Morrill Hall, Phone: 802-656-2980

, 438 College Street, Phone: 802-656-3344

, 528 Waterman, Phone: 802-656-3468

, 33 Colchester Ave, Phone: 802-656-3392

, 50 University Heights, Phone: 802-656-9100

, 101 Kalkin, Phone: 802-656-4015

, 105 Rowell, Phone: 802-656-3858

, 322 S. Prospect, Phone: 802-656-2085

, 81 Carrigan Drive, Phone: 802-656-2911

̽̽ Dean of Students, Nicholson House, Phone: 802-656-3380


is available to support students with ANY type of documented disability. A170 Living/Learning, Phone: 802-656-7753

provides assistance and support to African, Latino(a), Asian, Native American, Multiracial and New American students. E140, Living/Learning, Phone: 802-656-3819

assists students with a wide range of medical issues. 425 Pearl St., Phone: 802-656-3350

is available to help students with a wide range of personal issues that affect academic performance. 146 South Williams, Phone: 802-656-3340

Tutoring Center offers a number of programs to support students in their academics. 244 Commons, Living/Learning, Phone: 656-4075

  • Learning Skills - tutoring to create an efficient study system
  • Subject-Area Tutoring - group and individual peer-based tutoring
  • Supplemental Instruction - facilitated group study in selected large lecture courses

provides advocacy and support to lesbian, gay, bi, transgender, questioning students and allies. 633 Main Street, Living & Learning, C Building, Phone: 802-656-8637, prism@uvm.edu

, B101 Living/Learning Center. Phone: 802-656-4296

assists students with a wide range of medical issues.425 Pearl St., Phone: 802-656-3350

WAGEaddresses women's concerns and promotes opportunities and educational equity for women. 34 South Williams Street, Phone: 802-656-7892, women@uvm.edu

offers one-on-one sessions with a writing tutor, writing partners, workshops, and writing mentors. 105 Bailey/Howe Library. Phone: 802-656-4075