How much does tutoring cost?
Tutoring is FREE for all ¶¶Òõ̽̽ students. However, if you miss scheduled session without canceling within 24 hours of the appointment your student account may be billed (see "What if I need to cancel an appointment?" below).
How do I schedule an appointment?
There are many ways to schedule an appointment. Students can schedule appointments online by accessing our scheduling system. Appointments can also be made by calling (802) 656-4075, or emailingÌý
What if I need to cancel my appointment?
The Tutoring Center has a 24 hour cancellation policy. This policy is in place to respect the time of our tutors, as well as to ensure that appointment slots are made available to other students who may need them. Students can cancel appointments by calling (802) 656-4075 or emailing If an appointment is cancelled less than 24 hours in advance, the we reserve the right to charge the student account a cancellation fee.
How often can I meet with my tutor?
Tutoring is limited to one hour per week per class. You may meet with a Biology tutor on Monday and a Math tutor on Wednesday, but not a Biology tutor on both Monday and Wednesday, for example. However, group tutoring is unlimited - attend as many group tutoring or SI sessions as you need! Be sure to explore all of the group tutoring opportunities available to you; they are a great way to stay ahead in classes.
Are there tutors for all courses at ¶¶Òõ̽̽? What do I do if there is no tutor for my course?
Unfortunately, we are not able to guarantee a tutor for every course on the ¶¶Òõ̽̽ campus. Our office tracks tutoring demand trends for all courses throughout ¶¶Òõ̽̽’s campus utilizing the Tutor Request Form and will begin recruiting for a course once sufficient tutoring demand has been observed for a course. This process does take some time on our part, (and we cannot with certainty guarantee that we will be able to hire a qualified tutor) the sooner you let us know, the sooner we can potentially offer you a tutor! Use the link Request Contact Information for Tutors on our Schedule an Appointment page.
How do I prepare for a tutoring session?
If you expect to get the most out of your meetings with a tutor, you will need to come prepared. That means having your books and notes with you, but also having specific questions or goals for your tutoring session.
Where and when does tutoring take place?
Individual and group tutoring sessions take place in-person throughout the ¶¶Òõ̽̽ campus and remotely via Microsoft Teams. Our tutors set their own schedules, and they tend to be pretty accommodating.
What should I expect from my tutor?
We expect our tutors to be respectful, responsible, and punctual. The same is expected from you while using our services; please arrive on time prepared with your questions and any materials you may need.
Can a tutor work on graded assignments?
You may NOT work on any graded assignment with a tutor. This includes projects, graded homework assignments, etc. You may work on concepts, practice problems, and already graded assessments.
Are tutors professors or experts in the course content?
Our tutors are students just like you - they are not experts in the field and may not have the answers to all of your questions. The best people for you to see for detailed instruction are your professors and your TAs.
What is SI?
SI, or Supplemental Instruction, is a non-remedial, peer-run study system revolving around facilitated group review. It is a program that works with historically difficult courses, and it is a great way to learn new material. SI has proven to contribute to higher grades for those who attend. Find theÌýSupplemental Instruction Schedule here.
Who are the tutors and how do I know they are qualified to help me?
The Tutoring Center strongly believes in our peer-tutoring model. All tutors are ¶¶Òõ̽̽ students who have met a certain grade requirement and received a recommendation from their professor for each course that they wish to tutor. Additionally, all tutors complete mandatory training prior to beginning work in the Tutoring Center.
What if the tutor was not a good match for me? Can I get a new tutor?
We often give students contact information for more than one tutor for each course. If the tutor you meet with does not work out, feel free to contact another tutor in the same course. If you have tried all the tutor names you were given, contact us to see if other tutors for your course have been hired recently. If you met with a Study Skills tutor, further appointments can be made with a different tutor.
Does the Tutoring Center employ english/writing tutors?
While we do not offer tutoring in these courses at the Tutoring Center, we can refer you to the Writing Center! Please check out their website and make an appointment here.