̽̽ defines first-generation college students as those for whom no parent or guardian completed a bachelor’s degree from a U.S. college or university.

As a program within the Center for Academic Success, we are guided by a shared commitment to student success, academic growth and equitable access to education and support. With respect for multiple perspectives and identities, we aspire to promote student autonomy and interdependence within the University community.

Engagement Button

Make Connections: Be a part of FirstGen@̽̽

Explore the growing opportunities to connect with ̽̽'s first-generation community, engage with ̽̽'s student club dedicated to first-gen students at ̽̽, explore community profiles, and submit your story to be featured across our FirstGen@̽̽'s Spotlight Series.

Learn more

A signature part of FirstGen@̽̽'s mission is to facilitate connections between those with this shared identity. In order to do this, we encourage our community to self-identify as first-generation via one of the following methods.

  • Student.If you identify as a first-generation student and would like to join our community, please indicate your interests around FirstGen@̽̽ participation via the link above.
  • Staff and Faculty. ̽̽ defines first-generation college students (and therefore staff and faculty) as those for whom no parent or guardian completed a bachelor’s degree from a U.S. college or university. If you identify as first-generation and would like to join our community, and indicate your interests around FirstGen@̽̽ participation, please submit your information via the linked form above.

FirstGen@̽̽ Spotlight Series

Our FirstGen@̽̽ Spotlight series is made for the community, by the community. This series will feature members of our First-gen community and increase the visibility of our First-generation community here at ̽̽.If you are interested in being featured, we invite you (as a current or former First-generation student) to tell us about your journey as a first-generation student. To submit your information visit. Meanwhile, to get to know your first-gen community!

Orange circle with calendar graphic

Get Involved: Events and Opportunities

Mark your calendars to stay up-to-date on all things FirstGen@̽̽! Explore our programs and featured events, and let us know what you'd like to see offered throughout the academic year.

Learn more

Looking for ways to connect with ̽̽'s first-generation community? Here are a few ways to get started.


Monday 11/6

Tabling Kick-Off
Where: Davis Center Atrium

When: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Professional Headshots & Career Conversations
Where: Davis Center, Summit Room 400D
When: 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Tuesday 11/7

First-Gen Faculty & Staff Reception
Where: Old Mill 325, John Dewey Lounge
When: 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Wednesday 11/8

First-Gen Resource Fair & Celebration
Where: Davis Center Atrium
When: 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM

FirstGen@̽̽ & UPB Pub Quiz
Where: Davis Center Brennan’s
When: 9:00 PM - 11:00 PM

Thursday 11/9

“Come in First” Game Night
Where: Davis Center Mt. Mansfield Room
When: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Friday 11/10

Cookies, Button Making & Tabling
Where: Davis Center Atrium
When: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Download PDF of First Gen Week 2023 Calendar Poster

̽̽ Firsts student org logo

̽̽ Firsts Student Organization

Undergraduate students are encouraged to join ̽̽'s newest first-generation student organization, ̽̽ Firsts! To learn more, and to participate in their weekly meetings, visit them on .

Submit your ideas!

Is there an event you would find meaningful or helpful as a first-generation student? Let us know! Email FirstGen@uvm.edu your suggestions.