Accommodations & Support for Pregnant Students

Title IX prohibits discrimination based on sex in educational programs, which includes protections for students based on pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, miscarriage, and recovery. Students may take medically-necessary leaves without harassment, intimidation, or other discrimination due to pregnancy-related conditions and experiences. Students who take a leave must be allowed to return to school without penalty and be reinstated to the status held before the leave began.

Pregnancy itself is not considered a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Students may be eligible for reasonable accommodations in Student Accessibility Services for pregnancy-related complications (such as serious health conditions) or other conditions that constitute a disability, including complications that arise postpartum or exacerbations of an existing impairment due to pregnancy.

Requesting SAS Accommodations for Pregnancy or Postpartum complications

To ask for SAS accommodations, complete the and submit supporting documentation from a doctor or medical provider. You will be invited to meet with an Accessibility Specialist to discuss your requested accommodations. Reasonable accommodations are determined based on an individual’s unique needs and disability through the interactive process. Possible accommodations may include:

  • Breaks during class or exams, as needed
  • Adjusted deadlines or attendance for short-term flare-ups or episodes
  • Extra time on exams
  • Classroom furniture needs
  • Access to lactation rooms on campus

Who to contact:

¶¶Òõ̽̽’s Title IX office for pregnancy and parenting supports and changes related to coursework and employment. Title IX can provide information about students’ rights and offer support, regardless of disability status or registration with SAS.

¶¶Òõ̽̽ Human Resources to determine eligibility for workplace or job changes and leave due to pregnancy and recovery.

¶¶Òõ̽̽ ADA/504 Coordinator for workplace or job accommodations due to pregnancy-related complications or other disabilities.