
Past Webinars

The Role of NGOs in Agritourism Development: Examples from Eastern Europe

January 14, 2025

Panelists Valeria Klitsounova, Belarusian State University, and Darya Pukas, Colorado State University, discussed how a rural tourism association in Belarus benefitted thousands of association members over two decades. They shared several success stories including the creation of the country’s first food and craft cluster and the development of cross-border routes with Latvia and Lithuania to promote culinary and craft heritage. They also described the role of women entrepreneurship in Belarus.

Moderators: Lisa Chase, University of Vermont, and , Vermont Strategy Group
Panelists: , Belarusian State University, and , Colorado State University

Video Recording


Virtual Versus In-Person Meetings: What Works Best?

December 5, 2024

In this webinar, participants will explore the findings of an interdisciplinary team of researchers from ̽̽ and Clemson University who studied whether virtual meetings are as effective as in-person gatherings for the purposes of enhancing global collaboration within the agritourism sector. The project involved more than 20 webinars and an international conference, reaching over 3,200 Extension professionals, researchers and agritourism operators from 85 countries.

Moderator: Lisa Chase, University of Vermont Extension

Chadley Hollas,
Claire Whitehouse, University of Vermont Center for Rural Studies

Video Recording


Hosting a Global Agritourism Conference in the Future

May 29, 2024

​Are you interested in hosting a Global Agritourism Conference in the future? Learn more by watching this video, which outlines the process and offers details on what you need to do to host a conference in your region. Feel free to email globalagritourismnetwork@gmail.com with questions.

Moderator: Lisa Chase, University of Vermont Extension

Panelist: Caroline Millar, Scottish Agritourism

Video Recording


Agritourism marketing: Three remarkable case studies in New Zealand

April 19, 2024

Moderator: Marijke Dunselman, Founder of and the Agritourism Academy.

Shaun Monk -
Amber Tyrell -
Rachel Bartrum -

What are the most successful strategies for marketing agritourism operations? Marijke Dunselman, Founder of Agritourism New Zealand, and three farmers shared their tips, tricks, and lessons learned. Marijke started off the webinar with an overview of agritourism marketing. Amber Tyress from Valley Views Glamping shared how their agritourism glamping business has grown through social media marketing. Shaun Monk from Island Hills Station talked about how his business grew after the borders closed due to Covid and had to focus on the domestic market with the support of media, especially TV and newspaper for their 3-day walk on a high-country station. Rachel Bartrum from Lynton Downs Farmstay, a historic homestead that has been restored after a severe earthquake, hosts mainly international visitors through travel agents. We explored how these three different approaches to marketing have relevance for agritourism operations of all sizes in all different parts of the world.

Video Recording


Download the Agritourism marketing: Three remarkable case studies in New Zealand slides (PDF)

Business Planning for Agritourism Enterprises

January 23, 2024

Business planning is critical for any type of enterprise, and agritourism is no exception. This webinar covers key steps for business planning and introduces you to a new online tool. AgPlan is a free, easy-to-use business planning app designed to provide customized assistance for different types of businesses, including agritourism. In this webinar, we provide a general overview of business planning for agritourism as well as information about registering for an online training series in February and March for those who would like to develop a business plan this winter with guidance from Extension business planning experts.

Moderator: Lisa Chase, University of Vermont Extension and the Vermont Tourism Research Center

Zac Smith, University of Vermont Extension
, Center for Farm Financial Management
, Adirondack View Farm, Cornell Cooperative Extension

Video Recording

After watching the recording, please to let us know what you learned and how best to support business planning.


Webinar hosted by the and .

Growing the Global Agritourism Network: Findings from Evaluations of Webinars and Conferences

October 11, 2023

The Global Agritourism Network, launched six months ago, already has over 500 members representing 79 countries. At this webinar, we gave an update on initiatives led by the Global Agritourism Network, and shared survey results with important implications for policy, practice, research, and the development of educational events to support agritourism.

Moderator: Lisa Chase, University of Vermont Extension and the Vermont Tourism Research Center

, Clemson University [Growing the Global Agritourism Network: Findings from Evaluations of Webinars and Conferences Presentation 1 (PDF)]
Claire Whitehouse, University of Vermont [Growing the Global Agritourism Network: Findings from Evaluations of Webinars and Conferences Presentation 2 (PDF)]
, Cultivating Tourism and University of Georgia [Growing the Global Agritourism Network: Findings from Evaluations of Webinars and Conferences Presentation 3 (PDF)]

Video Recording

Legislation to Support Agritourism in the United States

October 4, 2023

On August 11, U.S. Representatives Jennifer Wexton (D-VA) and Dan Newhouse (R-WA) introduced the bipartisan AGRITOURISM Act. This legislation would create an Office of Agritourism in the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to represent the interests of agritourism businesses and consolidate federal resources to sustain agritourism businesses, such as loans, grants, and broadband connectivity programs. At this webinar, we were joined by legislative leaders who presented information about the purpose and intent of the bill, along with anticipated actions and timelines. Webinar participants asked questions about the legislation and panelists discussed ways to assist in the process and advocate for agritourism support in the U.S.

Panelists: Rep. Jennifer Wexton (D-VA) and Legislative Director Chris Katson, Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA), Legislative Director Bubba White, for Rep. David Rouzer (R-NC)

Moderators: Lisa Chase, University of Vermont Extension, Suzi Spahr, NAFDMA International Agritourism Association, Scottie Jones, Farmstay

Video Recording


Webinar hosted by NAFDMA International Agritourism Association, Farmstay, National Extension Tourism Network, and Global Agritourism Network.

North America Meeting of the Global Agritourism Network (GAN)
A Regenerative Agritourism Pathway for the Pacific Islands

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Regenerative Vanua aims to support resilient and climate smart communities by restoring pride in Indigenous food and culture as well as through regenerative agritourism and food tourism, regenerative farming and food systems, and regenerative landscapes. This presentation is based on the outcomes of two Critical Participatory Action Research (CPAR) projects conducted in the Pacific Islands between 2018 and 2023. The CPAR process led by Indigenous Pacific Islanders developed a definition, standards, criteria and categories for regenerative agritourism with a particular focus on protecting Indigenous land management knowledge systems, climate mitigation and adaptation, land sovereignty, decolonization of land and food systems and rural Indigenous livelihoods in the Pacific.

Video Recording

Moderator: Lindsey Pashow, Cornell Cooperative Extension, New York, USA, Email: lep67@cornell.edu


  • Dr. Cherise Addinsall, Adjunct Fellow, University of Sunshine Coast, Member of the Australian Centre for Pacific Islands Research, Vanuatu and Australia, Email: Cherise.Addinsall@scu.edu.au
  • David Gillespie, Farmer and Chair of the Sustainable and Regenerative Agriculture and Agritourism Committee of the  Global Agritourism Network, Quebec, Canada, Email: sraagritourism@gmail.com


  • (YouTube) 
  • (YouTube)
North America Meeting of the Global Agritourism Network (GAN)

Thursday, June 15, 2023

The first meeting of the North America region of the Global Agritourism Network (GAN) took place on Thursday, June 15. The goal of the interactive Zoom meeting was to connect with others working in agritourism throughout North America and begin developing a strategy for sharing resources, strengthening networks, and supporting agritourism throughout our region. Scottie Jones of Farm Stay USA and Suzi Spahr of NAFDMA International Agritourism Association led the meeting, as co-chairs of the North America region of GAN. Lisa Chase of University of Vermont Extension and Chair of GAN helped facilitate, along with Chadley Hollas of Cultivating Tourism and Secretary of GAN and Claire Whitehouse of ̽̽ Center for Rural Studies. Three speakers gave overviews of agritourism in their respective countries including:

  • Dr. Luis Alberto Morales of the San Quintín School of Engineering and Business of the Autonomous University of Baja California in Mexico;
  • Christina Conell, Director of the USDA Agricultural Marketing Services Local and Regional Foods Division in the USA; and
  • David Gillespie, Farmer and Chair of the Sustainable and Regenerative Agriculture and Agritourism Committee of the  Global Agritourism Network in Quebec, Canada.

After the overviews of Mexico, the US, and Canada, participants answered a series of polls and open-ended questions in chat. The poll results and chat (with identifying information removed) are posted below.

Video Recording

The Global Agritourism Network welcomes everyone including farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural producers; researchers; educators; community planners; government entities; agricultural service providers; development organizations; tour operators; and more. By working together across professions, GAN aims to enhance the capacity of agritourism worldwide. Visit to register and become a part of GAN.


Global Agritourism Network (GAN) Launch

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Leading scholars and practitioners of agritourism have joined forces to form the Global Agritourism Network (GAN). This network of agritourism stakeholders (farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural producers; researchers; educators; community planners; government entities; agricultural service providers; development organizations; tour operators; hospitality operators; event planners; among others) aims to enhance the capacity of agritourism worldwide. On April 11, we officially launched GAN with a Zoom meeting. We began with an introduction of GAN and then moved into breakout groups for GAN committees. We welcome you to join this growing network of agritourism professionals!

Please if you would like to be part of the Global Agritourism Network.

Video Recording


Global Agritourism Network (GAN) Launch Presentation Slides (PDF)

Marketing Your Farm

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Learn the three essential components of marketing your farm, with a focus on agritourism. Myrna Greenfield is the “Top Egg” at Good Egg Marketing and the author of Marketing Your Farm: A practical guide to attracting loyal customers and increasing sales. Ellen Parlee is the co-owner of Parlee Farms in Tyngsboro, Massachusetts, which offers pick-your-own fruit and flowers, along with a farmstand, bakery, ice cream stand, animal petting area, and a food trailer for lunch. Ryan Wilson is the co-owner of DeMeritt Hill Farm in Lee, New Hampshire, which offers pick-your-own apples/peaches/blueberries/Xmas trees, hayrides, school tours, special events, Cross Country running, and hiking trails and has a full commercial kitchen. The farm plays host to Torey Roderick Performance Horses and every October, the world-famous Haunted Overload. Lisa Chase from University of Vermont Extension will moderate the session.

Video Recording

Moderator: Lisa Chase, University of Vermont Extension and Vermont Tourism Research Center, lisa.chase@uvm.edu

Myrna Greenfield, , myrna@goodeggmarketing.com
Ellen Parlee, , ellen@parleefarms.com
Ryan Wilson, , info@demeritthillfarm.com


"Marketing Your Farm" (PDF) presentation slides.

Hosting an Event with Food on Your Farm

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Hosting an event with food on your farm is a great way to gather your community, feed a crowd, provide education about farming, and grow your business. Join this webinar to learn how to safely and legally host your next tasting, farm to table dinner, or another event with food. During the session we will hear from Corie Pierce, owner of Bread and Butter Farm in Shelburne, Vermont and regular host of burger nights. We will also hear from Andrew Marchev, volunteer attorney in the Legal Food Hub network and Lisa Chase, Agritourism Expert at University of Vermont Extension.

Video Recording


Hosting an Event with Food on Your Farm Presentation slides (PDF)

Agritourism Networking Session

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Farmers and ranchers, researchers, tourism professionals, entrepreneurs, policymakers, educators, agricultural service providers, and others interested in agritourism are invited to share their knowledge and experience. This session will have facilitated breakout rooms in Zoom meeting focused on different topics. Come ready to share and meet others working with agritourism!

Video Recording

Resources and Links


  • Lisa Chase, University of Vermont Extension
  • , Clemson University
  • , North Carolina State University
  • , Bannikin
  • , Crete’s Culinary Sanctuaries
  • , Sagra Farms
  • , Pennsylvania State University
  • , Researcher and Tour Guide

Supporting Document:

Agritourism and Wellness

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

The cognitive sciences now tell us what indigenous wisdom has always know: that being in Nature is an important component of both our physical and emotional wellbeing. The wellness of our social relationships are interdependent with the quality of our relationships with the natural world. The wellness industry is booming, and nature tourism is on the rise. So what role does agritourism play in amplifying social, individual, and planetary wellness? Join us to hear panelists from New Zealand and the United States share their experiences with farms that work with health and healing on different levels.

Video Recording


Resources and Links



Culinary Innovation on the Farm

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

​Farmers and chefs are part of a long history of innovation -- in technique, production, and taste -- to express culture through cooking and to grow ingredients that perform and delight. All traditions were once innovations. There is a dance between honoring heritage and respecting the future, especially in the age of climate change. Farm dinners are often the first point of engagement for guests to connect with these lineages and learn how culinary pioneers can shape the future. Join this panel to hear stories from Greece, the U.S. and Panama of how ingredients push models of culinary-focused agritourism forward.

Video Recording


Resources and Links


  • Katharine Millonzi, Millonzi Consulting (USA) [email] []


Innovative Ways to Sell Agricultural Products Direct to Consumers -- in French and English // Valorisation de Circuits Courts, par la Francophonie «des Options Originales pour Acheter Local!»

The first hour will be in English and the second hour will be in French. The presentations will be the same but the Q&A will vary. You are welcome to join one or both hours using the same Zoom link.

​Tuesday, February 15, 2022

The evolving pandemic has brought to light the importance of promoting agri-food products in local markets, purchasing locally sourced supplies, and selling direct to consumers. Join French-speaking partners (southern Quebec, Eastern Ontario and the Aube region of France), to discuss innovative ways to make it easier for residents, tourists, and businesses to buy local. These initiatives promote local products and short distribution chains to limit the number of go-betweens and bring producers in closer contact with consumers.

Le contexte pandémie en évolution a mis en lumière l’importance de valoriser les produits agroalimentaires sur les marchés locaux, de s’approvisionner localement, de commercialiser en circuits courts. À travers cette conférence, donnée en collaboration avec des partenaires de la francophonie (Sud du Québec, Est de l’Ontario et Aube en France), vous découvrirai plusieurs options pour faciliter l’achat local tant pour les citoyens, les touristes que les entreprises. Ces initiatives valorisent les produits locaux et les circuits courts pour développer l’économie locale et les communautés rurales.

Video in English

Vidéo en français

Highlights Video

Resources and Links



Presentation Slide Deck

Reaching Your Target Market: Booking Sites for Farm Stays and Experiences

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Airbnb, Yonder, Hipcamp, Harvest Hosts – the options seem endless when exploring websites for farms and ranches welcoming visitors. Whether those guests are seeking a rustic camping experience, an original farmhouse stay, or are looking for luxurious accommodations and meals, farm hosts have a variety of options for listing their accommodations and experiences and for setting up online reservation systems. Join experienced agritourism operators for a discussion of the options for listing and booking farm stays and experiences. We'll also introduce a resource that summarizes pros and cons of different websites.

Moderator: Lisa Chase, University of Vermont Extension (USA)

Speakers: ​Scottie Jones, Farm Stay USA (USA); Jenn Colby, Howling Wolf Farm (USA); Chiara Sattin, Villa Buzzaccarini (Italy); Angela Tweedy, University of Vermont (USA)

Video Recording of This Presentation

Highlights Video

Resources and Links

Agritourism as a Tool for Rural Development and Women’s Empowerment

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Agritourism has the potential to empower women around the world, especially in rural communities. Join community leaders who are initiating this work in Uganda, North Macedonia, Peru and the United States. We'll also hear from researchers who are studying the role of gender in agritourism around the globe.

Moderator: Claudia Schmidt, Pennsylvania State University (USA)

Speakers: Claudia Gil Arroyo, North Carolina State University (USA); Maria Baryamujura, COBATI (Uganda); Elena Mladenovska Jelenkovic, CEO of M6 Educational Center, Executive Center of Wines of Macedonia (North Macedonia).

Video Recording of This Presentation

Highlights Video


Agritourism definitions and standards around the globe

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

What is agritourism anyway? Definitions and standards vary around the world, with some understandings focused on educational experiences on working farms while other perspectives are more expansive. Researchers and practitioners from Italy, India, Scotland, South Africa, and the USA will discuss and debate the meanings of agritourism in different parts of the world -- and the importance of working towards a common understanding.

Moderator: Lisa Chase, University of Vermont Extension (USA)

Speakers: Sharon Flanigan, James Hutton Institute (Scotland); Thomas Streifeneder, Eurac Research (Italy); Pandurang Taware, Agri Tourism India (India); Jacqui Taylor, Agritourism Africa (South Africa)

Video Recording of This Presentation

Highlights Video


Building a Regional Taste, Trade and Identity: International Case Study on Cider

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Let's celebrate (hard) cider! It's a great example of how distinctive, value-added products can support the viability of farming and evoke a local food culture and sense of place that is closely tied to agriculture. The Glynwood Center for Food and Farming, based in the Hudson Valley of New York, enlivened this historic apple region by incubating a state-wide trade association for the cider industry and developing an international exchange program around cider. Join panelists from the UK, Japan and the US as they discuss their work promoting cider. Learn how collaborative models in each country connect trade professionals and the public to farm-based cider producers, leading to increased public awareness and appreciation.

Moderator: Megan Larmer, Glynwood Center for Food and Farming (USA)

Panelists: ​Gabe Cook, The Ciderologist (UK); Lee Reeve, inCiderJapan (Japan); Rachel Freier, Cider Week New York (USA)

Video Recording of This Presentation

Highlights Video

Congressional Briefing on Agritourism

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Organized by ̽̽ and FAO North America with support from the Office of U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy

As we move beyond the Covid-19 pandemic, agricultural producers need additional sources of revenue and families are seeking healthy, outdoor experiences and fresh, locally-produced food. Agritourism – working farms, ranches, and vineyards open to visitors – provides safe recreational and educational opportunities for local residents and tourists. These enterprises at the farm-community-tourism nexus allow communities and visitors to be a part of preserving the working landscape, creating jobs, maintaining farming traditions, sustaining cultural identities, and contributing to food security.

Moderator: Thomas Pesek, Senior Liaison Officer of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Introduction: Andrew Bahrenburg, Legislative Assistant for U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont


  • Dr. Lisa Chase, Natural Resources Specialist at University of Vermont Extension and Director of the Vermont Tourism Research Center
  • Ms. Gail E. Chehak, Tribal Relations and Outreach Manager, American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association (AIANTA)
  • Attorney Rusty Rumley, Senior Staff Attorney at the National Agricultural Law Center in Arkansas
  • Dr. Carrie Castille, Director of USDA NIFA

Briefing Recording

Short Video on Agritourism

Regional Agritourism Strategies for Community Economic Development

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

This gathering highlights how international regions as diverse as Canada, Iran and Georgia are using agritourism as a way to build resilience by celebrating agricultural history, ecology, and heritage. We will hear how agritourism initiatives are key to sustaining rural economic development by allowing farmers to diversify their income, regenerate communities, and reimagine the future (and recovery) as travel trends shift during the evolving COVID-19 pandemic. Presenters will share best practices and lessons learned from developing and implementing regional strategies around agritourism.

Moderator: Katharine Millonzi, Millonzi Consulting

Speakers: Trevor Benson, Vice President of Destination Development, Culinary Tourism Alliance, Canada; Dr. Lela Kartishvili, Agritourism Expert, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Georgia; Shiva Soroushnia, Researcher and Tour guide, Iran Safar Travel Agency, Iran

Video Recording


Culinary Lens on Agritourism

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Food is an ultimate connector and a big part of why we travel. We share stories, form relationships and build communities around the table, and through our culinary traditions. In this gathering, we will hear stories from around the world of the relationship between agritourism and cuisine. Our panelists include a cacao farmer in Costa Rica, a food tourism expert in Spain, and a regenerative farmer in the UK who work with chefs. They will describe how they foster experiences that embrace an authentic taste of place -- and attract tourists interested in supporting local foodways and rural livelihoods.​

Moderator: Katharine Millonzi, Millonzi Consulting

Speakers: Jane Connelly, Culinary Tourism Expert, Spain; Alex Retana Mena, Agriculturist and Dreamer, Finca Kobo, Costa Rica; Tom Morphew, CEO, Full Circle Farms Sussex Ltd. and The Garden Army Ltd.

Video Recording


Exploring the Diversity and Impact of Agritourism in Southern Africa

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Agritourism ventures across Southern Africa offer critical and engaging portraits of how ecological conservation connects to cultural heritage and the tourism industry. This panel will highlight how agritourism is helping to develop rural economies and provide opportunities to launch businesses that further socioeconomic diversity and positive impacts of tourism. Panelists will discuss successes as well as challenges in South Africa and Malawi.

Moderator: Kanyi Gabiro, Agritourism Africa

Speakers: Manti Mafaidi, Owner, Naledi Farm, South Africa; Michael Daiber, General Manager, !Khwa ttu, South Africa; Fidelis Chasukwa, Owner, Mazizi Agritourism Farm, Malawi

Video Recording


Agritourism and Racial Justice in the U.S.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Join us for this gathering focused on the role of agritourism within the racial justice movement in the United States. Panelists from both urban and rural perspectives will discuss the potential for farm-based education and sales of local products to serve as tools in the pursuit of racial equity and social justice in food systems.

​Mǻٴǰ: Lynn Ellen Schimoler, Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets

Speakers: Karen Washington, Co-Founder of Black Farmer Fund, Owner of Rise and Root Farm; Martinique Lewis, Founder of the Black Travel Alliance

Video Recording


Farm-Based Education in Every City and Town: 4 Unique Stories

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Connecting with land through agriculture can be educational, joyful, healing, and empowering. From a Yellow Farmhouse in Connecticut to an apiary in Botswana, and a hillside campus in Vermont to an urban farm school in New York City, four panelists will offer stories from the field of farm-based education during this session. Discover how learning with and about farming catalyzes opportunities for business development, community building, and the creation of thriving local food systems.

Whether you're joining from a farm-based organization, a family farm, a hospitality business, or an education institution, this session will inspire you to offer authentic farm-based experiences in your communities, too.

Moderator: Vera Simon-Nobes, Farm-Based Education Network (Vermont, USA)

Speakers: Lusanda Magwape, Dream Factory Foundation (South Africa / Botswana); Jennifer Rothman, Yellow Farmhouse Education Center (Connecticut, USA ); Onika Abraham, Farm School NYC (New York, USA); Tony Van Winkle and Gwyneth Harris, Sterling College (Vermont, USA)

Video Recording


Creating Virtual Farm and Food Experiences

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

​​Whether it's farm tours, private tastings, or conferences, we are all figuring out new ways to connect digitally with customers and colleagues. During this period of limited travel, farm and food businesses around the world are experimenting with innovative online formats to share their agricultural experiences and products. Join us to learn about lambing tours in Scotland, cider tastings in Vermont, and the Terroir Symposium in Ontario. Presenters will share their challenges, successes, and lessons learned as they have transitioned to virtual events during the pandemic.

Moderator: Lisa Chase, University of Vermont Extension and the Vermont Tourism Research Center

Speakers: Eleanor Leger, Eden Specialty Ciders, Vermont, USA; Caroline Millar, Balkello Farm and Go Rural, Dundee, Scotland

Video Recording


Indigenous and Tribal Perspectives on Agritourism

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Celebrating sovereignty and demonstrating the uniqueness of all tribes, this conversation seeks to broaden understanding of indigenous-led agritourism initiatives with a focus on the unity of human and ecological communities. Presentations will explore best practices for integrating agro-biodiversity conservation in tribal communities; how culture, tradition and history blends through the Three Sister Story; and how ancient connections apply to contemporary travel company design and marketing.

Moderator: Trevor C. Lane, Community and Economic Development Director and Associate Professor, Washington State University Extension (USA)

Speakers: Stephen Taranto, La Paz on Foot (Bolivia); Sherry L. Rupert, American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association (USA); Rony Lec, Founder, ​Mesoamerican Permaculture Institute (Guatemala)

Video Recording


Regenerative Tourism and Agriculture

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Agritourism operations are in a unique and potentially impactful position to incorporate and showcase regenerative agricultural practices. This session will describe the principles of regenerative agriculture and discuss how they are shaping a future of regenerative tourism and hospitality. Learn about ventures pioneering the global regenerative movement and the important role that these operations play in educating society about the value of farming, food and (bio)diverse communities.​

Moderator: Katharine Millonzi, Millonzi Consulting

Speakers: Anya Fernald, CEO and CoFounder, Belcampo; David Rust, CEO and Co-Founder, Sagra; Nicole Vaugeois, AVP Research, Vancouver Island University; Kimberly Farrell Barquero, Proprietor, (Costa Rica)

Video Recording


Welcoming Guests Back on our Farms and Ranches

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

​As Covid-19 restrictions ease in some parts of the world, travelers who are eager to venture forth seek safe, healthy, outdoor experiences away from crowds — leading to a surge in demand for agritourism experiences which meet these criteria. Join agritourism operators from Italy, India, and the USA for a discussion about how to safely open farm stays and prepare for overnight guests during the Covid-19 pandemic. Hear what is working and what is not, and come prepared to share and question.

Moderator: Lisa Chase, University of Vermont Extension and Vermont Tourism Research Center

Speakers: Scottie Jones, Owner, Leaping Lamb Farm (Oregon) and Founder, Farm Stay USA; Elisabeth DeCoster, Proprietor, Le Mole sul Farfa (Italy); Harkirat Ahluwalia, Proprietor, Citrus County (Punjab, India)

Video Recording
