
Transportation Safety Tips

Driving Tips



Stop for Pedestrians: People walking always have the right of way at crosswalks.

Avoid Distractions: Use of handheld devices is illegal in VT.  Don't text and drive.  Save $162 and points on your license.

Don't Block Sidewalks or Bike Lanes: People need to get through!  Never park on or across a sidewalk or bike lane.  Bicyclists have a right to be in the road, don't pass until it is safe. Save $50.

Biking Tips


Obey Traffic Laws: Bicyclists have the same rights as drivers.  Obey traffic laws as if you were driving. Save $162.

Use Lights at Night: Use a headlight AND taillight while night riding. It's safer to be seen, and will save you $76.

Yield to Walkers: Riding on the sidewalk is legal in most places in VT, but people walking ALWAYS have the right of way. Be courteous - slow down & give a friendly greeting.

Ride with Traffic: Riding against traffic is dangerous. Follow the law and be safe by riding WITH traffic.

Walking Tips


Obey Pedestrian Signals: If a crosswalk has pedestrian signals, it is illegal to start crossing when the signal says "Don't Walk". Save $105.

Sidewalks: Always use them when available, you are not allowed to walk on the roadway. Save $220. If there is no sidewalk, walk facing traffic.

Crosswalks: Always use them when available. If there is no crosswalk, you may cross when there is a gap in traffic but you must yield to cars.

Make Yourself Visible: Wear reflective clothing and use a headlamp/flashlight at night.