Ìý ¶¶Òõ̽̽ uses a Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy.

This policy measures whether you are meeting pace standards and program GPA standards as you work towards completing your degree program or certificate completion.


Why is this important to you?

Federal regulations require all students enrolled in undergraduate or graduate programs to maintain minimum academics requirements to remain eligible for federal and state financial and ¶¶Òõ̽̽ need-based aid.

Your financial aid evaluation is separate from your academic standing evaluation/degree requirements. There may be situations where a student is approved for academic trial through their college/school, but remain ineligible for financial aid due to SAP.

Medical students in the Larner College of Medicine must maintain SAP in order to remain enrolled as a candidate for the M.D. degree. Review ¶¶Òõ̽̽'s standards.


What is the process for review at ¶¶Òõ̽̽?

Annually (at the end of the spring term), students who receive financial aid are measured against both the quantitative (GPA) and qualitative (Pace) standards.

At the end of each term, including summer, ¶¶Òõ̽̽ monitors the SAP status for any student on a probationary status.

You are responsible for notifying Student Financial Services of any grade changes which occur after grade processing and satisfactory academic progress evaluations are complete.

Once reviewed, you may receive an email notification directing you to your my¶¶Òõ̽̽ portal for additional information. Situations that you may be notified for may include:

  • Maintaining SAP probation for the upcoming term
  • Close to the maximum credit allowance to graduate (within 24 credits of 150%)
  • Maximum credit allowance has been reached (aid is terminated)
  • Termination (either not maintaining progress within your plan or not meeting SAP standards at the end of the spring)
  • Appeal decision has been made

For more information, review the 'Process' section of your Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Standards.

Can I appeal? (You were notified you were not meeting SAP standards)

If you became ineligible for financial aid because you failed to maintain the minimum requirements of SAP and your aid was terminated, you can submit an appeal if you believe you have special circumstances which impacted your academic progress.

If you plan to appeal; begin the process immediately:

  1. Schedule a meeting with your Student Services Advisor or Academic Advisor.
  2. Submit the SAP appeal form (top right side-bar) and supporting documents by the semester deadline: academic plan, letter of explanation, and student acknowledgement.

For more information, review the 'appeal' section of your Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Standards.

My financial aid eligibility was terminated. How can I become eligible again?

As long as your academic dean allows you to enroll, you can continue at ¶¶Òõ̽̽ at your own expense. If you have questions about the cost of attending or how to pay your bill, please contact us. If you feel that you now meet the SAP standards with your additional coursework to confirm your eligibility, you can request a review with SFS.

How are transfer credits treated when it comes to SAP standards?

Transfer credits are counted as hours attempted and earned. Transfer credits are not factored when calculating a student's GPA.

How is a course with an incomplete treated?

It would be considered attempted, but not earned for credits.

Review your satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards for more information on incompletes and the full policy.

What happens if I audit a class?

No credits are earned for audited courses. It will not count in your calculation of GPA, attempted or earned credits.

Review your satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards for more information on audited courses and the full policy.

I repeated a course in order to bring up my GPA. How is this counted?

A course is repeated when a student takes the same course, with the same content, more than once. Content, not course subject, number and title, determines whether a course is being repeated.

Review your satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards for more information on repeated courses and the full policy.

What happens if I end up withdrawing from all of my classes before the end of the semester? What happens if I end up withdrawing from a class?

Any of the courses that you withdraw from would be counted as attempted, not earned.

Review your satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards for more information on withdrawals and the full policy.

If you are thinking of withdrawing from a course or all courses, we encourage you to work with your advisor as well as to speak with a member of our team first and make sure that you understand the tuition refund policy. You can also review the consumer information for the return of Title IV funds.


¶¶Òõ̽̽ Resources

Use this resource for direct student support or to connect with your advisor.

School & College Student Services

Additional Resources for Undergraduates

Academic Support Services


Complete an Appeal

Your appeal packet should consist of the Appeal Form (PDF), your signed letter of explanation and required supporting documentation.


clipboard iconÌý SAP Appeal for Aid Deadline

Ìý Spring: January 24 (Note: Your bill payment deadline may be earlier)


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