You will receive your billing notification by email when it's ready.

If you have set up a Proxy to view your account and billing information, they will also receive an email notification.

Notifications are sent within a few days of the bill date.Ìý

Fall 2024 Billing Dates
Registration DateBill DateDue Date
Prior to July 10, 2024July 10, 20244:30 PM ET, August 16, 2024
July 10 to August 16, 2024August 16, 20244:30 PM ET, September 13, 2024
August 16 to September 18, 2024September 18, 20244:30 PM ET, October 11, 2024


Spring 2025 Billing Dates
Registration DateBill DateDue Date
Prior to December 3, 2024December 3, 20244:30 PM ET, January 10, 2025
December 3, 2024 to January 15, 2025January 15, 20254:30 PM ET, February 7, 2025
January 15, 2025 to February 7, 2025February 7, 20254:30 PM ET, February 26, 2025


Monthly Billing Dates

Bills are generated monthly to reflect any recent activity on your account.

2024 - 2025 Monthly Billing Dates
April 17, 2024May 15, 2024
June 12, 2024July 10, 2024
August 16, 2024September 18, 2024
October 16, 2024November 13, 2024
December 3, 2024January 15, 2025
February 7, 2025March 12, 2025
April 16, 2025Ìý


Summer Billing Dates

Summer 2025 Billing Dates
If you register between…Bill DateDue Date
3/3/25 and 5/14/255/14/254:30 PM Eastern Time on 6/13/25
5/14/25 and 6/16/256/16/254:30 PM Eastern Time onÌý7/8/25
6/16/25 and 7/9/257/9/254:30 PM Eastern Time on 8/15/25
7/9/25 and 8/15/258/15/254:30 PM Eastern Time on 9/5/25


Accessing and Viewing Your Bill

When are bills sent?

Bills are generated monthly to reflect any recent activity on your account. View our list of monthly billing dates (above).

How do I see my bill?

¶¶Òõ̽̽ sends all student billing notifications electronically to the ¶¶Òõ̽̽ email address. ¶¶Òõ̽̽ billing notifications will also be sent toÌý any Proxy that the student has granted account and billing access.

  • View your bill through "View Account and Billing Activity."
    • Students: through your
    • Account and Billing Proxys:
  • Non-students, including ¶¶Òõ̽̽ retirees with health and dental insurance premiums, receive paper bills by mail.

How can I give billing access to someone else?

If someone is supporting the financial aspects of your education, you should set them up with Proxy Access.

Understanding Your Bill

What is on the bill?

Your bill is made up of billable charges, like tuition and fees, university housing and meals, and may also include other items like course specific charges. Learn more about costs of attending ¶¶Òõ̽̽.

How do I read my bill?

Review billing messages (shown on your statement or in your billing notification) for important information related to your bill.

For pending resources, make sure all appropriate action has been taken.

Your bill indicates:

  • Negative or zero balance: Review your bill; if you agree with the pending resources listed, we consider your account to be "settled" and no payment is due at this time.
  • Due upon receipt: Payment is considered due immediately.
  • An amount to pay: Payment or payment arrangements must be received before the 4:30 PM Eastern Time due date. Review more information on paying for ¶¶Òõ̽̽.


Why doesn’t my recent payment show on my bill?

Your billing statement will only show information (including balance) as of the date the statement was issued. SFS does not re-issue bills.

You can find your current Amount to Pay by viewing information under the View Account and Billing Activity link. This screen also shows payments and charges which have occurred on the students account since the bill was generated.

Will I receive a tuition refund for dropping or withdrawing from a class?

Why do I have a hold on my account?

Failing to respond to the bill with full payment or payment information to cover the amount due will result in a late payment fee and a financial hold on your student account, preventing access to add courses, view grades, or get transcripts, and possible disenrollment.

Review Types of Account Holds.

Paying Your Bill

When are bills due?

Your bill will show your due date when you receive it. Bills are due in full (or appropriate response) by the due date indicated.

Payment must be received by ¶¶Òõ̽̽ by the due date shown; Payments received after the due date, even if they are postmarked by the due date, will be considered late.

Due dates are based on when you register for classes. Dropping and re-adding classes within the same billing period will not result in a later due date.

SFS does not issue corrected billing statements. Please do not wait to make a payment.

How do I pay my bill?

Review the Payment Options page to view various ways that you can pay your ¶¶Òõ̽̽ bill.

How do I apply for ¶¶Òõ̽̽ tuition remission?

Apply for ¶¶Òõ̽̽ tuition remission with the Benefits Office.

How do I make an international payment?

University of Vermont has partnered with Flywire to streamline the tuition and fee payment process for our international students. Flywire offers multiple payment options and excellent foreign exchange rates. They’ll ensure your payment arrives safely and accurately. To complete the payment process, please

How do I set up employer payments and third party billing?

If your employer will pay for your class after you have completed and passed the course, you will need to pay your ¶¶Òõ̽̽ bill up front and seek reimbursement directly from your employer. ¶¶Òõ̽̽ does not offer deferred billing.

If your employer will pay for your class up front and payment is not contingent on final grade, you should provide your employer with a copy of your bill, and work with them to expedite on-time payment for the due date. You may want to consider granting them account and billing Proxy access. Ultimately, you are responsible for your bill.

If your payment is from a Federal or State Program, or ¶¶Òõ̽̽ affiliated organization, a purchase order should be submitted to SFS. Once our office receives the purchase order, we will bill the organization and credit your student account for the amount reflected on the purchase order.

What if another ¶¶Òõ̽̽ department has information on how my bill will be paid?

Students should communicate all billing matters with Student Financial Services. ¶¶Òõ̽̽ cannot obtain payment information from other departments or colleges about each student.

Late Payments, Extensions, and Appeals

Can I get an extension on paying my bill?

While we understand that there may be an extenuating circumstance that might make paying on time difficult, we are unable to extend the bill due date and we cannot allow for grace periods.

What is considered a late payment?

Payment in full (or an acceptable payment arrangement) is expected by the 4:30 PM Eastern Time deadline on the bill to be considered on time. See payment options for additional information.

Due dates are based on when you register. Dropping and re-adding classes within the same billing period do not result in a later due date.

What happens if I make a late payment?

Failing to respond to the bill with full payment or payment information to cover the amount due will result in a late payment fee and a financial hold on your student account, preventing access to add courses, view grades, or get transcripts, and possible disenrollment.

Initial on-time payments which are not paid by your bank (for reasons of insufficient funds, closed accounts, etc.) will be assessed a late payment fee.

Initial payments which are post-dated past the due date will be assessed a late payment fee.Ìý

What if I want to appeal a late fee?

Fill out the

The balance due on your account must be paid in full (less the late fee amount) before submitting the Late Fee Appeal. Late fee appeals cannot be considered on an unpaid past due account.

Late fee appeal decision notifications will be emailed within 10 business days to the addresses provided and the student's ¶¶Òõ̽̽ email address.

What happens if funds from a third party arrive late?

When more than one party is paying tuition toward a student account, all payments must be received by the 4:30 PM Eastern Time due date to be considered on time. Please do not assume that when your bill or a portion of your bill is being paid by loans, external scholarships, 529 Plans, trust funds,Ìý or monthly payment plans, that the funds will arrive before the 4:30 PM Eastern Time due date. You should respond to the bill by telling us exactly how and in what amount these funds will be paid.