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Nominate a Macmillan Scholar in Residence

Through the Macmillan Scholars program, Gund Faculty Fellows may host visiting scholars to collaborate and engage with the ̽̽ community for periods of two days to two semesters.

The Macmillan Scholars endowment, a major gift from the Macmillan Family, aims to “broaden our understanding of the physical and natural sciences, their relationship to other academic disciplines, and to close the gap between the sciences and the rest of the academic community.”

Macmillan Scholars will contribute to the scholarly excellence of the Gund Institute and ̽̽ including through presentations, collaboration, informal mentorship, and/or research.

Macmillan Scholar Visits

  • Molly Anderson, Middlebury College, Fall 2023
  • Andrew Balmford, University of Cambridge, Summer 2024
  • Mauricio Bellon, Comision Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad (CONABIO), Mexico, Spring 2021
  • Michael Dorsey, IberSun Solar, Fall 2020
  • Carolyn Finney, Middlebury College, 2020-2021
  • Róger Madrigal, Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE), Costa Rica, Fall 2023
  • Alejandra Martínez-Salinas, Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE), Costa Rica, Fall 2023
  • Ben McCall, University of Dayton, Spring 2023
  • Alex Pfaff, Duke University, Summer 2024
  • Jim Salzman, UCLA School of Law and University of California, Santa Barbara Fall 2021
  • Fabio Trinco, Argentina National Institute of Agricultural Technology, Summer 2024
  • Ellen Wohl, Colorado State University, Fall 2023.
  • Eglee Zent. Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research, Fall 2021

Benefits and Responsibilities

Macmillan Scholars must offer public talks and may participate in trainings or collaborative research efforts with faculty hosts and other scholars across ̽̽. To recognize their addition to the Gund community, Macmillan Scholars will hold a working title of “Macmillan Scholar.” They will have access to temporary office space and related facilities. Long-term scholars also benefit from Gund communications and policy outreach support, will have a ̽̽ email access and campus ID, and appear in ̽̽’s directory.

Macmillan Scholars are expected to contribute broadly to the scholarly excellence of the Institute through lectures, presentations, and/or collaborations. They may participate in Gund events (e.g., seminars, gatherings) and support graduate education (e.g., guest lecturing, informal mentoring). They should communicate their Gund affiliation in websites, emails, publications, and social media and acknowledge Gund financial support in resulting publications.

See list below for terms of funding, if approved.

Virtual visits may be accommodated by request. Eligibility for a virtual visit will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Please reach out to the Gund Director of Operations and Programs for guidance.

Nomination Process

Gund Faculty Fellows may nominate a Macmillan Scholars through the in InfoReady. The nominator submits a letter describing the purpose of the visit and its strategic value to the Gund Institute’s mission and research themes. On the online form, nominators indicate length of visit, work eligibility (to flag any need for a visa process), and expenses to be supported. They also upload a current CV for the nominee. Nominations are reviewed on a rolling basis by the Director of Operations and Programs. The Director of the Gund Institute makes decisions, consulting with a panel of Gund Faculty Fellows if needed. The nominating Fellow serves as the host for the Macmillan Scholar and assists with administrative processes.

The nominating Fellow serves as the host for the Macmillan Scholar and is responsible for administrative processes as necessary, including working with the Office of International Education (OIE) and relevant travel, consultancy, or human resources staff as need be. Please see hereforguidance for international Macmillan Scholars.

Financial Support

Two payment mechanisms are appropriate for Macmillan Scholars.

  1. Speaker Honoraria / Consultancies. Macmillan Scholars who have three or fewer contracted deliverables, to include a public talk plus up to two more talks or meetings, while at ̽̽ may be eligible for an honorarium as an independent contractor. The deliverables need not be on the same or contiguous days, but they should be within a close time frame, normally less than two weeks, and should not include ongoing research engagement. A speaker engagement letter or consultancy agreement will be used to pay the scholar and related travel costs. Macmillan Scholars engaged via an honorarium or speaker engagement letter will not have a ̽̽ email address or ID.
  2. Temporary employees. Macmillan Scholars who will engage in more than three speaking events, collaborate on research, or do other work while at ̽̽ must be hired as temporary employees. The process for hiring temporary employees is managed by academic units. Macmillan Scholars who will be on campus for an extended period qualify for ̽̽ IDs, ̽̽ email addresses, and they will have access to campus buildings, office space, and other resources available to temporary employees. They must be legally eligible to work in the US.

The Gund’s suggested minimum salary for scholars is $1,000 per week. All scholars receive a budget for salary, fringe, travel to Burlington, and event expenses. Short-term scholars (visiting for two weeks or less) are also eligible to have transportation, meals, and lodging expenses covered. See the budget guidance document in InfoReady for more information.

Other Visiting Scholars

Faculty Fellows should contact the Director of Operations and Programs for more information about how the Gund can assist with other visiting scholars. As these situations are unique, they are managed on a case-by-case basis.

Recent Talk by Macmillan Scholars
