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Now Seeking Environmental Writing For $5,000 Zencey Prize 

The Gund Institute for Environment at ̽̽ and the U.S. Society of Ecological Economics invites submissions for the Eric Zencey Prize in Ecological Economics, which celebrates outstanding writing on the environmental limits of our finite planet.

Named after pioneering scholar Eric Zencey (1954-2019), the prize recognizes the best current affairs book or long-form journalism that advances public understanding of real-world environmental challenges using the principles of ecological economics, a field that explores the relationships between economics and Earth’s limited natural resources.

The winning author will receive $5,000 USD, plus financial support for a trip to ̽̽ for a public campus event in Burlington, VT. Submissions for the Zencey Prize closed on January 31, 2024.

Zencey Prize criteria:

  • Current affairs book or long-form journalism
  • Written for a general audience
  • Published in 2022 or 2023
  • Addresses real-world environmental challenges
  • Uses principles of ecological economics
  • English language
  • Academic journal articles will not be considered
  • University of Vermont employees are not eligible for the prize

The term “ecological economics” need not appear in submitted works, but the field’s underlying goals – understanding links among ecological, economic and social systems and advancing sustainability, equity, and human well-being – must be evident.

“I hope this prize will inspire future generations of environmental writers and ecological economists to communicate real-world solutions beyond ‘the Ivory Tower,’” said Eric Zencey, an esteemed scholar and public intellectual who worked to understand and address the great environmental challenges we face.

The most recent Prize was announced Fall 2022. Watch the author Tim Jackson recieve the 2022 Zencey Prize:

, which was created by friends, family and colleagues to support future generations of writers and scholars.

Submission Portal & Guidelines

Submissions must meet the criteria outlined above and come directly from the author or publisher.

1. If available in electronic form, please submit required materials through the online .

2. For physical books or magazine pieces, mail four copies to: 

Eric Zencey Prize in Ecological Economics
Gund Institute for Environment
Farrell Hall
210 Colchester Ave.
Burlington, Vermont
05401 USA

3. All submissions, online or physical, require a cover letter (2-page max.) with: 

  • Clear contact information, including name, phone, email and mailing address
  • Brief, general overview of the submission, including a summary of how the piece uses the principles of ecological economics
  • Confirmation of original publication date of the submission

About Eric Zencey

As a writer, thinker, teacher, and public intellectual, Eric Zencey (1954-2019) worked to bring ecological economics – a system for understanding the political, economic, social, and environmental challenges facing our civilization – out of the academy. The Zencey Prize in Ecological Economics honors that work and encourages others to continue it.

Born in Delaware and holding a PhD in political philosophy and the history of science, Zencey made substantial contributions to understanding the biophysical foundations of the economy during his career at ̽̽ and Washington University in St. Louis. He believed that infinite economic growth is impossible on a finite planet, because the laws of thermodynamics apply to economic systems.

Zencey is author of four books, including The Other Road to Serfdom and the Path to Sustainable Democracy (UPNE); Greening Vermont: Towards a Sustainable State (with Elizabeth Courtney); and Virgin Forest (U of Georgia Press), a collection of essays on history, ecology, and culture. His first book was the internationally best-selling novel and New York Times Notable Book of the Year, Panama. His writing has appeared in media outlets ranging from  The New York Times and the Chronicle of Higher Education to Adbusters.

Zencey has received fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, the Rockefeller-Bellagio Foundation, and the Bogliasco Foundation.

In Vermont and Missouri, Zencey has been a pioneer in the compilation of and advocacy for the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI), a more comprehensive measure of economic, social, and environmental health than GDP. His efforts led directly to Vermont becoming one of the first states in the nation to adopt GPI measurement.

Zencey’s affiliations at ̽̽ included the Gund Institute, the Political Science Dept., the Honors College, the Center for Research on Vermont, and the Center for Rural Studies. At Washington University, his appointments included teaching and research positions in the College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Sam Fox School for Design and Visual Art. Zencey also served as chair of the online history department at SUNY Empire State College, and taught in the college’s international programs, chiefly in Prague.



About the Zencey Prize

The Zencey Prize will be awarded every other year to the best book or work of long-form journalism that illuminates current affairs while advancing public understanding of the principles of ecological economics. No academic journal articles will be accepted.

The winning author will visit ̽̽ to receive the award, to give at least one public seminar and to engage with students. The winning author will also have the option to be named a Global Affiliate of the Gund Institute. The prize will not be awarded in years in which judges determine that no entry is sufficiently worthy.

“My sincere hope is that this Prize will help nudge our civilization onto a better path—one that arrives purposefully at an ecologically sustainable relationship between society and nature,” said Eric Zencey. “It’s important to me that the ideas we foster here in the Academy get to work in the world. I hope this prize will inspire future generations of environmental writers and ecological economists to communicate real-world solutions beyond ‘the Ivory Tower.’”

Diversity and inclusion are priorities of ̽̽ and the Gund Institute, and we seek submissions from a broad range of journalists, authors, and scholars.

Support the Prize

The Zencey Prize endowment was created by Eric’s family, friends and colleagues to honor his work, encourage others to continue it, and to support future generations of writers and scholars. to help the fund grow.

Zencey Prize News

The most recent submission period closed January 31, 2024. Winners will be announced in the fall.


For questions, please contact Julianna White.


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