Communication Design
Communication Design focuses on designing with the mission of communicating a message, brand, behavioral change, policy, and more. Using design to communicate allows us to reach a broader audience, be more inclusive, and communicate across cultures. Students can focus on graphic design, spatial design, publication design, and design innovation in this concentration.
Community Media and Journalism
Community Media and Journalism students jump into hands-on creation of content that will expand their portfolio before graduating. Building on a strong foundation of media and journalism theory, students will write, photograph, shoot video, story board, learn interview skills, and more in order to be skilled, thoughtful practitioners telling the story of their community, whether local or global.
Strategic Communication
Strategic Communication can be any communication with a mission: marketing, public relations, organizational communication, social media, law, policy, and more. Students can choose from a variety of topics to complete their Strategic Communication concentration from our faculty experts in behavioral change, socially responsible marketing, strategic communication, filmmaking, written journalism, oration, debate, and science communication.