CIROH Research Staff
WRI Manager of Research Facilities and Initiatives
Joshua.Benes@uvm.eduStream ecology and hydrology research
Lab Research Technician
Saul.Blocher@uvm.eduChemical Analysis of water samples, Installation and Maintenance of Field Equipment and Sensor Installations, Data Management
Research Associate, Research Scientist
Eric.Clark@uvm.eduNetwork Theory, Social Contagion, Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Evolutionary Algorithms, and Complex Systems
Adjunct Assistant Professor • Director Research Computing and Data, Large Research Initiatives • Department of Computer Science • College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
patrick.clemins@uvm.eduComputational Workflows, High Performance and High Throughput Computing, Integrated Modeling, Model Evaluation Testbeds, Digital Signal Processing, Systems Engineering
WRI and VT EPSCoR Technologist
steven.exler@uvm.eduWeb based application design and development, SQL, PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS
WRI Communications and Events Manager
Hannah.Fischer@uvm.eduMultimedia Develpment, Community Engagement, Video Production, Program Coordination
Software Developer
Scott.Turnbull@uvm.eduPrototyping, logic test, failure analysis, and system assembly
Grant Proposal Developer – Gund Institute
Jeannine.Valcour@uvm.eduUSAID, USDA, NSF, EDA, multiple foundations