Over the next 18 months, ̽̽ is implementing a refreshed and refined brand, and its supporting elements. Great institutions like ̽̽ evolve, as evident in the increased national recognition of the university’s research profile, and brands evolve to reflect such major changes. The brand originates within and supports the university’s mission. In a very basic sense, the brand is the perception of the institution–and that perception helps differentiate ̽̽ from its peers. It claims distinction.

icon of planet

Brand Positioning: For People and Planet

Brand positioning refers to the strategic process of establishing a distinctive place for a brand in the minds of its constituents. It is the major part of realigning how we talk about ̽̽.It is the message that springs directly from the underlying mission that guides the work of faculty, staff, and students and is the through-line for our interactions with individuals on- and off-campus

How is ̽̽ distinct? The answers to this question helped us understand the essence of the ̽̽ brand and develop a guiding light for how we communicate about our institution through the following brand positioning statement:

"For individuals committed to a thriving future for people and planet, ̽̽ is the leading university where discovery, creativity, community, and action coalesce to secure a healthier, greener tomorrow."

For People and Planet.

icon speech bubbles

Evolving the Brand, Together

Our brand was developed through a series of listening and brainstorming sessions over the past year with constituents from across the university community. Those contributors, plus many others, provided clarity on our unique, contemporary strengths as an institution, and helped refocus the narrative to ensure we're telling the story of ̽̽ clearly and effectively on the world stage. There are important tools that can help keep that story consistent; these are physical assets such as logo marks, standardized typefaces and colors, and positioning statements that guide the tone of communications and highlight ̽̽’s core values.

Visual Changes

The most visible branding tool is the university’s logo. Since the early 1990s, ̽̽’s logomark (the icon part of the logo) has been a depiction of the tower of Old Mill, outlined in a rectangular box. At the same time, the logomark of ̽̽ Athletics is a classic, prominent letter “V” and leaping catamount. With ̽̽’s newly refreshed branding, the tower logomark is transitioning to retirement. Going forward, ̽̽ will unify its brand under a refined V logomark outlined by a shield.

Why the Change?

Beyond unity, the move to the V promotes an even broader message. The tower logo marked the university geographically, with one structure at the top of the hill in Burlington. But the work of ̽̽ encompasses efforts far and wide: as the state’s land-grant institution, it supports people, businesses, farms, and organizations throughout all 14 counties of the state. ̽̽ also looks far beyond Vermont’s state borders to attract students, faculty members, and research partners–people for whom the outline of a particular building has little meaning. The new V logomark supports the message of ̽̽’s expansive mission and sparks visual recognition to the institution’s broad statewide, national, and international audiences. Combined with the university’s name in a refined typeface, the new logo builds a higher level of brand recognition and distinction.

Along with the new logomark, new typefaces and colors have been chosen to modernize the look of the university’s communications and further ensure all aspects of our university are visually consistent, connected, and recognizable as distinctly ̽̽.

graphic icon of a clock


By design, the transition to new brand materials will occur over time rather than all at once—both to mitigate the financial and environmental impacts of adjusting highly-visible aspects of our brand; and to strategically align our campus around these changes. Below is a loose timeline for our immediate key milestones along this process:

FEB 1 - Final color palette delivered

MAR 5- Flagship social media refresh

FEB 12 - Primary logo package delivered

MAR 8 - Digital Brand Guide available

FEB 15 - Branded PowerPoint template

MAR 8 - Font System Released

FEB 15 - Branded E-mail signature available

Feb 28 - Brand refresh web story

FEB 15 - One ̽̽ Rollout

MAR 11 - Weekly brand help hours begin

MAR 4 - Secondary logo system rollout begins

MAR 18 - Social media branding template rollout begins

MAR 5 - Homepage, top tier and D10 Sites Updated

Roll-out Roadmap

Phase I
FEB - JUN 2024

  • Business cards and stationery

  • New campaign marketing
    collateral (existing campaigns

  • Updated CatCards/ID app

  • Lamp post banners

  • Video Assets (lower thirds, end card)

  • File for federal trademark
    licensing protection

Phase II
JUL - DEC 2024

  • Tower logo no longer allowed on new items

  • CATS buses

  • R/V Marcelle

  • Admissions Visitor Center

  • Digital signage / digital displays

  • New exterior building signs, mounted and freestanding (existing exempted)

  • Phone screens

  • Internal apps: my̽̽, PeopleAdmin, DUO, etc.

  • New fleet vehicles and equipment (existing exempted)

Phase III
JAN-JUN 2025

  • Remaining exterior building signage, mounted and freestanding

  • Placemaking signs at (1) Main and East Ave, (2) South Prospect and Colchester Ave, and (3) Trinity Campus

  • Retail merchandise

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I immediately start using newly released assets (University logo, colors, etc)?

All items are ready for you to use - but consider the populations of people you are communicating with before immediately changing your assets over. Populations like graduating seniors and prospective students have only engaged with our previous brand, and it may be disruptive to shift brands on them as they transition to alums and current students respectively. For some communications and promotional items, it might be beneficial to wait before using new assets. If you are in a unit responsible for communicating with targeted ̽̽ populations (e.g. Enrollment Management, Foundation), consider developing a communications plan to inform them of this change prior to switching things over.

Should I throw out materials with 'old' branding (stationary, promotional items, etc)?

No. In order to minimize any financial and environmental impacts of transitioning from one brand to another, we are encouraging departments to use their existing supplies and to transition to new branding when it comes time to reordering those materials.

What can I do to move towards new branding?

We encourage you to do an inventory of your physical and digital communications materials and identify areas where you might have to adjust colors, logos, fonts, and written tone. Making a plan to adjust these things well before you need them will ensure the transition process feels smooth for your specific area. If it makes sense, consider replacing any place you use the tower logo with the new ̽̽ V logo.

Will I have to buy new fonts to produce materials?

Our font exploration has focused on widely available, free fonts. At this time we do not expect units will have to purchase fonts.

Will poster templates be available for me to use?

We will develop and share templates as time and resources allow - but will be relying on the collective creativity of our communicators to build-up our collective assets over time.