• students holding a white coat in the bookstore, a student in a lab, the Billings Library, and students at the Wellness Environment 5K

Each path to medical or dental school is unique.

The resources outlined on this website will be of great value to you as you plan your classes, reflect on your skills and interests, and seek meaningful experiential learning opportunities. Preparing to apply to medical or dental school requires a significant investment of time, but we are here to support you along the way.

Path to Medical/Dental School

Cara Calvelli

Cara Calvelli, Pre-Health Advisor

Pre-Med Pop-Ins: Stop by with questions about your pre-health path: Thursdays 3-5 pm and Fridays 12-2pm (starting Sep 1st), Davis 204

Contact Us


Be open to the many facets and career paths in health...


Be intentional about your experiences...


The process starts about a year before submitting your application.