Gund Fellow, Professor, Department of Plant Biology and Department of Computer Science

I am broadly interested in computation and complexity, particularly in the context of interactions between human and natural systems. I have research interests in climate change, species diversity, forest dynamics, and the intersection of social processes with the climate system.   I emphasize the use of quantitative approaches to investigate these systems, including statistical, analytical, and computational models.



  • Huanping, H., J. M. Winter, E. C. Osterberg, J. Hanrahan, C. L. Bruyère, P. Clemins, and B. Beckage. Accepted. Simulating precipitation and temperature in the Lake Champlain basin using a regional climate model: Limitations and uncertainties. Climate Dynamics.
  • Clemins, P., G. Bucini, Huanping, H., J. M. Winter, E. B. Beckage, E. Towler, A. Betts, R. Cummings, and H. C. Querioz. Accepted. An analog approach for weather estimation using climate projections and reanalysis data. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology.
  • Fowler, N.L. and B. Beckage. 2019. Savannas of North America. Peer reviewed chapter in Herbivores and savanna plant communities, edited by P. Scogings. Wiley. In press.
  • Beckage, B., G. Bucini, L.J. Gross, W.J. Platt, S.I. Higgins, N.L. Fowler, M.G. Slocum, and C. Farrior. 2019. Water limitations, fire, and savanna persistence: A conceptual model. Peer reviewed chapter in Herbivores and savanna plant communities, edited by P. Scogings. Wiley. In press.
  • Divíšek, Jan, Milan Chytrý, Brian Beckage, Nicholas J. Gotelli, Zdeňka Lososová. Petr PyÅ¡ek, David M. Richardson, and Jane Molofsky. 2018. Similarity of introduced plant species to native ones facilitates naturalization, but differences enhance invasion success. Nature Communications 9: 4631. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-06995-4.

Areas of Expertise and/or Research

Ecology, climate change, complex systems, agent-based modeling, system dynamic modeling


  • PhD, Ecology, Duke University
  • MS, Statistics, Duke University
  • MS, Biology, University of Central Florida
  • BS, Engineering, Cornell University

