1. Can I report a bias incident anonymously?

Yes! You do not have to include your name on the .

2. Is a bias incident the same as a hate crime?

No. Not all bias incidents are considered hate crimes but all hate crimes are bias incidents. Read more on our Bias Response Program page.

3. I’m not sure if what I have experienced would be considered bias, but I think it could be. Should I still report it?

Yes. We encourage you to still submit a report. If you do, university officials will review it, and if you include your name, we will touch base with you to help you sort this out.

4. If I accuse someone of bias, will that person get in trouble?

If the severity of the incident has reached a policy violation, the person may go through a student conduct process which could include an investigation from our Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Office. If the bias incident does not violate University policy but has caused some negative impact on an individual or community, then the accused person will be followed up with in person to discuss ways to address the harm done in a restorative manner.

5. What should I do if I witness an incident of bias toward someone else?

Report it! You can use the Ìýor tell a staff member.Ìý

6. What happens to my report?

All incident reports are directly routed to the Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Office to review for policy violations. If the report does not violate University policy, it will be sent to the Chair of the Bias Response Team for review. Depending on the nature and the location of the incident, the incident will be responded to by a University Official (e.g. if the incident occurs in the residential hall, you will most likely hear from your Area Coordinator, Resident Advisor, and/or your Assistant Resident Director).

Report a Bias Incident

We encourage any person who has experienced or witnessed a bias incident to report it and seek the necessary resources. Thank you for taking the time to report this incident to ensure we are creating a more inclusive community for everyone.