
Physics Syllabus Archive

Course syllabi for the Department of Physics

Fall 2023
Fall 2023 Syllabi for Physics And Astronomy
CourseCourse Title and Syllabus Instructor
PHYS 1400ALuke Donforth
PHYS 1400BLuke Donforth
PHYS 1410ALuke Donforth
PHYS 1410BLuke Donforth
PHYS 3500Dennis Clougherty
PHYS 3600Dennis Clougherty
Spring 2023
Spring 2023 Course Syllabi for Physics And Astronomy
CourseCourse Title and SyllabusInstructor
PHYS 012 ADr. Luke Donforth
PHYS 012 BJason Pepe
PHYS 013Jason Pepe
PHYS 022Dr. Varuni Seneviratne
PHYS 031 ADr. Luke Donforth
PHYS 031 BMalcolm Sanders
PHYS 031 CMalcolm Sanders
PHYS 096Dr. Varuni Seneviratne
PHYS 152Matthew White
PHYS 211Malcolm Sanders
PHYS 265Dr. Varuni Seneviratne
PHYS 274/362Valeri Kotov
PHYS 301Dennis Clougherty
PHYS 341Dennis Clougherty
ASTR 005John Perry
ASTR 153John Perry
Fall 2022
Physics Fall 2022 Schedule and Syllabi
CourseCourse Title and SyllabusInstructor
*ASTR 005John Perry
*ASTR 023John Perry/Jeffrey Ulbrandt
*ASTR 155John Perry
PHYS 0111AJason Pepe
PHYS 011B011A Luke Donforth
PHYS 011CLuke Donforth
*PHYS 021Varuni Seneviratne
*PHYS 030Physics Problem Solving IJason Pepe
PHYS 031A/051BJason Pepe
PHYS 051AMalcolm Sanders
*Physics 123Physics Problem Solving IIJason Pepe
Physics 125Malcolm Sanders
Physics 128Luke Donforth
*Physics 199Varuni Seneviratne
Physics 213Dennis Clougherty
*Physics 214Valeri Kotov
Physics 242Dennis Clougherty
*Physics 273Valeri Kotov
Physics 311Malcolm Sanders
*Physics 313Valeri Kotov
HC01 085Randall Headrick
Spring 2022
CourseCourse Title and SyllabusInstructor
ASTR 005John Perry
ASTR 023John Perry
ASTR 177John Perry
PHYS 009Malcolm Sanders
PHYS 012ALuke Donforth
PHYS 012B Jason Pepe
PHYS 013 Jason Pepe
PHYS 022Luke Donforth
PHYS 030Luke Donforth
PHYS 031Luke Donforth
PHYS 031BMatthew White
PHYS 031C Malcolm Sanders
PHYS 152Dennis Clougherty
PHYS 211Malcolm Sanders
PHYS 264Valeri Kotov
PHYS 265Randall Headrick
PHYS 296Matthew White
PHYS 333Juan Vanegas
PHYS 362Valeri Kotov