Physics is concerned with the mathematical formulation of the fundamental laws of nature. An education in physics provides you with the foundation for a variety of careers: in addition to preparation for graduate study in physics and related fields, this major is an excellent platform for professional careers in engineering, management, teaching, law, and medicine.

Undergraduate Physics

Students are thoroughly trained in small, innovative classes by distinguished teacher-scholars. Majors learn perform innovative experiments in well-equipped labs. Undergrads conduct research that has a real-world impact, under the guidance of faculty. Fellowships are available for students interested in engaging in summer research.

Graduate Physics

At ̽̽, you’ll have opportunities for advanced study under the close supervision of faculty members and fellow graduate students pursuing research at the frontiers of physics. Graduates receive excellent training to prepare them for careers in academia, industry, or a variety of government agencies.

Cutting-edge Facilities

̽̽ recently completed construction of a new STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) complex. Discovery Hall and Innovation Hall together house state-of-the-art laboratories, classrooms and research facilities to ready students for promising careers in STEM fields. As an incoming student, you'll have access to these world-class learning spaces, helping you develop your academic interests and preparing you for a rewarding career.

Did we mention that physics is FUN?

The most interesting courses with the coolest names.

Our core curriculum covers the fundamentals of physics such as mechanics, electromagnetism and quantum theory. Students then choose from electives to explore subfields in physics such as: astrophysics, biological physics, condensed matter physics, general relativity, nanotechnology, quantum optics, nuclear and particle physics.