Assistant Professor of Sociology
Social determinants of health, race/ethnic health disparities, nativity and gender, adolescent health, quantitative research methods.
Inequality and differential vulnerability in floods, hurricanes, and other disaster events, Disaster studies, Children and youth, Family, Qualitative methodology, Service learning
Alice.Fothergill@uvm.edu (802) 656-2127Associate Professor of Sociology
Collective memory, theory, Max Weber, comparative historical sociology, disability studies, sociology of religion, sociology of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust.
Lutz.Kaelber@uvm.edu (802) 656-4197Professor
race/ethnicity, social psychology, identity/multiracial identity.
Nikki.Khanna@uvm.edu (802) 656-2162Professor
immigration, race and ethnic relations, consumerism, environmental justice.
Thomas.Macias@uvm.edu (802) 656-2141Senior Lecturer
Culture, East Asia, immigration, race and ethnicity, research methods, theory.
Noriko.Matsumoto@uvm.edu (802) 656-3236Assistant Professor of Sociology
Global health disparities, nongovernmental organizations, transnational sociology, sociological theory, social movements.
Jonathan.Shaffer@uvm.eduAssociate Professor and Chair
Quantitative research methods, sociology of reproduction, family demography, sociology of Latin American societies.
Jennifer.Strickler@uvm.edu (802) 656-5453Past Faculty
Senior Lecturer Emerita • In Memoriam
Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1976
Professor Emeritus
Professor Emeritus
methods and statistics, race and ethnic relations, sociology of aging, political sociology, stratification.
Nick.Danigelis@uvm.eduIn Memoriam
RN, PhD, FAAN • In Memoriam
Professor Emeritus
Qualitative methodology, aging, health care and policy, social psychology.
Dale.Jaffe@uvm.eduProfessor • In Memoriam
Professor • In Memoriam
In Memoriam
classical sociological theory, feminist social and political theory, deviance, gender, qualitative research methods
Eleanor.Miller@uvm.eduProfessor Emeritus
occupational segregation, political sociology, corporate structure, gender, health care.
Beth.Mintz@uvm.eduAssociate Professor • In Memoriam
In Memoriam
Professor • In Memoriam