participants of Music in the Alps (Cam Gilmour in front left)

participants of Music in the Alps (Cam Gilmour in front left)

Music in the Alps

Cameron Gilmour '20 is a Music Technology and Business major, with a philosophy minor. He studied jazz saxophone and jazz bass in the Department of Music. In the summer of 2018, he attended a program in Austria called , presented by Irena Portenko’s Masters Academy of Performing Arts (Meisterakademie für Darstellende KünstlerInnen). It is an intercultural program for young and professional musicians which promotes talent, diversity and innovative ideas in music performance and education. Cam now works for Music in the Alps, producing .

He reflects: "Personally, it is safe to say that this festival has changed my life. The group of people you are working with are incredibly passionate, accepting, and talented. I immediately felt like I was a part of a family. Working with Sergei Kvitko (one of the world’s most respected classical recording engineers) could have been super intimidating; instead I gained a close friend and mentor. This biggest draw for me besides Austria’s incredible scenery is and was the music. Some of the most talented people I have ever met, both in jazz and classical. My perspectives were widened, I got valuable networking, and learned a ton about both making and recording music in a professional setting. If this were a Yelp review, I’d give a 9.7/10 (would recommend to a friend)."