
MU 1010. Topics In: First-Year Seminar. 3 Credits.

Intensive first-year seminar focused on specific themes and/or disciplinary perspectives. Emphasis on developing critical reading and writing skills, substantive revision, information literacy, and analytical thinking. First-year seminars are frequently organized to meet one of the disciplinary Catamount Core requirements. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Catamount Core: AH1, WIL1.

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MU 1020. Topics In: LASP Writing. 3 Credits.

Intensive course in a broad disciplinary area (humanities, social sciences, arts, or natural sciences). Part of an integrated first-year experience in which students take 2-4 classes exploring aesthetic, humanistic, social, linguistic, environmental, or scientific issues. May repeat for credit with different content. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Co-requisite: Enrollment in the appropriate Liberal Arts Scholars Program.

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MU 1025. Topics In: LASP Seminar. 3 Credits.

Intensive course in a broad disciplinary area (humanities, social sciences, arts, or natural sciences). Part of an integrated first-year experience in which students take 2-4 classes exploring aesthetic, humanistic, social, linguistic, environmental, or scientific issues. May repeat for credit with different content. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Co-requisite: Enrollment in the appropriate Liberal Arts Scholars Program.

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MU 1110. Intro to Western Music. 3 Credits.

A survey of musical styles from antiquity to the present drawing from the Western concert and other traditions. Catamount Core: AH1.

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MU 1120. Intro to Jazz History. 3 Credits.

Survey of jazz from its roots in ragtime and blues of the late nineteenth century to contemporary styles. Cross-listed with: CRES 1811. Catamount Core: AH1, D1.

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MU 1140. Blues & Related Traditions. 3 Credits.

Traces the development of blues from African origins to modern blues, its rural and urban social contexts, and relation to African-American history and culture. Cross-listed with: CRES 1813. Catamount Core: AH1, D1.

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MU 1143. US Popular Music Since 1989. 3 Credits.

An exploration of the sounds and social politics of US popular music over the last three decades. Focuses on the transformations wrought by digital technologies to the production, consumption, and politics of popular music. Through examination of songs, music videos, and writings, students refine critical listening and writing skills. Catamount Core: AH1.

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MU 1145. History of Rock and Roll. 3 Credits.

Examines rock music as a succession of related musical styles and as a social movement reflecting and influencing the changing American political and social landscape. Catamount Core: AH1.

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MU 1147. Music & Culture: New Orleans. 3 Credits.

Examines the interrelationships between styles of music in New Orleans and the cultures that support them; includes a trip to New Orleans during spring break. Catamount Core: AH1, D1.

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MU 1170. Intro World Music Cultures. 3 Credits.

Survey of selected traditional, popular, and classical music cultures from around the globe (Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East, Latin America, etc.) through readings, recordings, demonstrations. Catamount Core: AH1, D2.

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MU 1175. Music of Latin Am & Carib. 3 Credits.

A study of the culture and history of Latin America and the Caribbean through music. Explores and compares traditional, classical, and popular genres from the pre-conquest to the present with particular attention to Indigenous, African, and European roots. Catamount Core: AH1, D2.

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MU 1310. Music Theory Fundamentals. 3 Credits.

Fundamentals of music notation, rhythm, melody, scales, and harmony. A course for non-majors or for students preparing to enter MU 2320 or MU 2310. Catamount Core: AH1.

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MU 1550. Intro to Teaching Music. 3 Credits.

Introduction to the foundational principles, philosophies, opportunities, issues, and roles inherent to teaching music in various contexts and settings including school, community, and private settings. Open to all music majors and non-majors who are interested in teaching people through their love of music.

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MU 1770. Intro to Music Technology. 3 Credits.

Introductory overview of music technology. Study of acoustic physics, history of music technology, basic hardware set up, computerized music notation, Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) electronic music production, and music video creation. Prerequisite: MU 1310 or Instructor permission. Catamount Core: AH1.

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MU 1775. Live Sound Reinforcement. 3 Credits.

Overview of techniques and tools used in amplification of live sound performance in music, theater, and dance. Study of physical properties of sound, fundamentals of acoustics, and current technology and equipment.

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MU 1990. Special Topics. 1-18 Credits.

Courses on topics beyond the scope of existing departmental offerings. See Schedule of Courses for specific titles. No prerequisite. May be counted toward the major/minor with Instructor permission.

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MU 2110. Hist Western Classical Music. 3 Credits.

Study of Western classical music from 1300 to the present, exploring music from various stylistic periods from a historicist perspective and examining how music history aligns with broader concepts, theories, and beliefs circulating at a particular moment in time. Prerequisites: MU 1310, MU 2320, or MU 2310. Catamount Core: AH3.

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MU 2120. Jazz History Styles & Analysis. 3 Credits.

An in-depth survey of jazz from early New Orleans to contemporary styles. Work includes close listening, study of transcriptions, and stylistic analysis. Final projects. Prerequisites: MU 2320 or MU 2310.

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MU 2310. Harmony and Form I. 3 Credits.

Study of diatonic melody and harmony, phrase structure, and elaborative techniques. Music majors are required to take MU 2311 concurrently. Prerequisite: MU 1310 or equivalent music theory fundamentals proficiency, determined by placement test. Co-requisites: MU 2311 is required for Music majors and encouraged for all enrolled in MU 2310. Catamount Core: AH1.

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MU 2311. Harmony and Form Lab I. 1 Credit.

Intensive study of solfege, elementary keyboard harmony, and dictation. Students should also register for MU 2310. Prerequisite: Ability to read music and to sing or play a musical instrument at elementary level. Co-requisite: MU 2310.

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MU 2313. Harmony and Form II. 3 Credits.

Study of chromatic harmony (applied chords, modulation) and small forms (binary, ternary, variation). Music majors take MU 2314 concurrently. Prerequisite: MU 2320 or MU 2310 or Instructor permission. Co-requisite: Music majors taking MU 2313 to fulfill a theory requirement also take MU 2314 Harmony and Form Lab II concurrently. Catamount Core: AH1.

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MU 2314. Harmony and Form Lab II. 1 Credit.

Intensive study of solfege, intermediate keyboard harmony, and dictation. Students should also register for MU 2313. Prerequisites: MU 2311 or MUL 2321. Co-requisite: MU 2313.

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MU 2319. Composition. 3 Credits.

Studies in free composition and the mechanics of score preparation, leading to performance of original work on a departmental concert. Prerequisite: MU 2310, MU 2320, or Instructor permission.

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MU 2320. Jazz Harmony. 3 Credits.

Study of jazz harmony, including essential harmonic progressions, turnarounds, chord substitutions, and melody harmonization. Music majors with concentration in Jazz Studies or Music Technology and Business take MU 2321 Jazz Harmony Lab concurrently. Prerequisite: MU 1310 or equivalent music theory fundamentals proficiency. Co-requisite: MU 2321 is required for Music majors with a concentration in Jazz Studies or Music Technology and Business and is encouraged for all others enrolled in MU 2320. Catamount Core: AH1.

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MU 2321. Jazz Harmony Lab. 1 Credit.

Musical skills will be sharpened through singing prepared and unprepared material, through practice of rhythmic exercises, and through melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic dictation. Practice in the use of solfege syllables from the moveable do system to aid successful sight singing. Co-requisite: MU 2320.

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MU 2327. Theory/Practice Jazz Improv I. 3 Credits.

Basic repertory, idiomatic usage, aural skills, theoretical constructs, and strategies for the jazz improvisor. Prerequisites: MU 2320 or MU 2310 or Instructor permission; intermediate instrumental skill.

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MU 2552. Brass Techniques. 2 Credits.

Class instruction on trumpet, trombone, and horn including materials and procedures for teaching these instruments in elementary and secondary schools. Pre/Co-requisite: MU 1550.

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MU 2554. String Techniques. 2 Credits.

Develop basic technical proficiency on violin, viola, cello, and double bass. Emphasis on beginning pedagogy, and teaching string instruments in a classroom setting. Pre/Co-requisite: MU 1550.

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MU 2556. Woodwind Techniques. 2 Credits.

Class instruction on flute, clarinet, saxophone and oboe/bassoon including materials and procedures for teaching these instruments in elementary and secondary schools. Pre/Co-requisite: MU 1550.

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MU 2558. Percussion Techniques. 2 Credits.

Class instruction of various orchestral pitched and unpitched percussive instruments including materials and procedures for teaching these instruments in the elementary and secondary schools. Pre/Co-requisite: MU 1550.

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MU 2560. Vocal Techniques. 2 Credits.

Foundation course in applied singing, and in teaching singing. Intended for students in music education, and students intending to teach private singing lessons or lead choirs. Pre/Co-requisite: MU 1550.

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MU 2770. Creating Music for Video. 3 Credits.

Students will score short films using digital audio software. Emphasis is on 4-5 scoring projects, with additional background reading and written critiques. Prerequisites: MU 1310, MU 1770. Catamount Core: AH1.

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MU 2771. Studio Production I. 2 Credits.

Explores the fundamentals of music studio recording production. Topics include recording hardware, ProTools software, microphone technique, signal processing, and post production engineering. Prerequisites: MU 1770 or Instructor permission.

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MU 2772. Studio Production II. 2 Credits.

Explores advanced techniques of music studio production. Topics include recording hardware, signal processing, Digital Audio Workstations, and post production engineering (mixing and mastering). Prerequisite: MU 2771.

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MU 2782. Arts Management. 3 Credits.

Focuses on the business of presenting the performing arts. Topics include: planning, marketing, logistics and operations of non-profit arts organizations. Prerequisite: A Catamount Core WIL1 course.

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MU 2785. Music Business and Copyright. 3 Credits.

Survey of basic concepts and practices in music business including copyright, licensing, publishing, contracts, marketing, agencies, unions and guilds, and career development. Prerequisite: A Catamount Core WIL1 course.

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MU 2990. Special Topics. 1-18 Credits.

Courses on topics beyond the scope of existing departmental offerings. See Schedule of Courses for specific titles. Prerequisites: MU 2310 and MU 2313; Majors/minors, or Instructor permission.

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MU 3105. Topics In: Composer Seminar. 3 Credits.

Survey of the musical style of one or more composers. Context, history, legacy. Representative topics: Bach, Beethoven, Stravinsky, and Ellington. See Schedule of Courses for specific topics. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Prerequisite: Three credits in Music at the 2000-level.

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MU 3310. Chromatic Harmony, Large Forms. 3 Credits.

Study of advanced chromatic harmony, large forms (sonata, rondo), art song, and free forms. All students are encouraged to enroll in MU 3311 concurrently; it is required for Music majors with a concentration in Composition and Theory or Music History and Literature. Prerequisite: MU 2313 or Instructor permission. Catamount Core: AH1.

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MU 3311. Chromatic Harmony Lab. 1 Credit.

Intensive study of solfege, chromatic harmony at the keyboard, dictation, and score reading. Prerequisite: MU 2314 or Instructor permission. Co-requisite: MU 3310.

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MU 3313. Post-19c Theory and Practice. 3 Credits.

Study of extended tonality, atonality, and 12-tone techniques. Examples drawn from 20th and 21st century literature. Music majors take MU 3314 concurrently. Prerequisite: MU 2313 or Instructor permission. Catamount Core: AH1.

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MU 3314. Post-19c Theory Lab. 1 Credit.

Intensive study of solfege, extended tonality and atonality at the keyboard, dictation, and score reading. Prerequisite: MU 2314 or Instructor permission. Co-requisite: MU 3313.

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MU 3319. Advanced Composition. 3 Credits.

Creative work in free composition culminating in public performance of completed work on a departmental concert. Prerequisite: MU 2319.

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MU 3320. Arranging for Jazz Orchestra. 3 Credits.

Composing and arranging for big band. Practice in techniques of jazz arranging and study of historic works. Final project is jazz standard arranged for big band, read by the ¶¶Òõ̽̽ Jazz Ensemble. Prerequisite: MU 2320 or MU 2313 or instructor permission. Catamount Core: AH1.

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MU 3325. Jazz Small Group Composition. 3 Credits.

Composing for small jazz ensembles. Practice in 2-, 3-, and 4-horn techniques. This seminar features student-led analysis, discussion, and in-class performances of writing projects. Final project is original composition arranged for small jazz ensemble, performed on departmental concert. Prerequisite: MU 2320, MU 2313, or Instructor permission. Catamount Core: AH1.

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MU 3327. Theory/Practice Jazz Improv II. 3 Credits.

Chord substitution, re-harmonization, scale alteration, free" improvisation, and other techniques in written assignments and classroom performance of modern jazz repertory. Prerequisites: MU 2327, or Instructor permission.

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MU 3550. General Music Methods. 3 Credits.

Methodologies, lesson planning, assessment, and standards-based curriculum development for general music at the elementary and secondary school levels. Pre/co-requisites: MU 1550; acceptance into licensure program in Music Education.

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MU 3551. Practicum in Teaching Music. 2 Credits.

Supervised field experience in music education. Prerequisites: MU 1550. Pre/Co-requisites: MU 3550, MU 3552, MU 3554.

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MU 3552. Choral Music Methods. 3 Credits.

Standards-based curriculum development, lesson planning, repertoire selection, rehearsal techniques, and assessment strategies for teaching choral music at the elementary and secondary school levels. Pre/Co-requisite: MU 1550; acceptance into licensure program in Music Education; or Instructor permission.

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MU 3554. Instrumental Music Methods. 3 Credits.

Standards-based curriculum development, lesson planning, repertoire selection, rehearsal techniques, and assessment strategies for teaching instrumental music at the elementary and secondary school levels. Pre/co-requisites: MU 1550; Acceptance into the Licensure program; or Instructor permission.

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MU 3560. Conducting I. 3 Credits.

Baton technique, score reading, and laboratory practice. Preparation and performance of selected scores, including rehearsal procedures. Prerequisites: MU 3311 and MU 3310.

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MU 3562. Conducting II. 3 Credits.

Focus on advanced conducting techniques and score preparation. Exploration of instrumental and vocal conducting techniques. Prerequisite: MU 3560.

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MU 3771. Studio Production III. 2 Credits.

Explores professional techniques of music studio production. Topics include recording hardware, signal processing, Digital Audio Workstations, and post production engineering (mixing and mastering). Prerequisite: MU 2772.

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MU 3990. Special Topics. 1-18 Credits.

See Schedule of Courses for specific titles.

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MU 4110. Senior Project: Music History. 1 Credit.

Directed readings and research. Research project. Prerequisites: Music History concentration; Senior standing; Instructor permission.

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MU 4310. Senior Project: Comp/Theory. 1 Credit.

Research paper or composition/analysis; topic chosen under direction of a faculty member. Prerequisite: Composition/Theory concentration; Senior standing; Instructor permission.

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MU 4551. Teaching Internship Seminar. 1 Credit.

Companion course to supervised field work, giving students experience in specialized areas for their professional development. It is designed to provide context to the field work, resources for effective planning and teaching, and assist in developing the Vermont Licensure Portfolio and achieving InTASC standards. Prerequisite: Senior standing. Co-requisite: MU 4552.

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MU 4552. Internship: Student Teaching. 11 Credits.

Teaching Interns will work under the guidance of their Licensed Music Mentor and University Supervisor to become committed reflective practitioners, instructional leaders and change agents, collaborating with other professionals to make a positive difference in schools and in the lives of all learners. Prerequisites: Music Education majors only; Senior Standing; admission to student teaching; overall GPA and GPA in professional courses at least 3. Co-requisite: MU 4551.

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MU 4770. Senior Project: MTB. 1 Credit.

Project utilizes current music technology. Topic chosen under direction of faculty member. Prerequisites: MU 3771; Music Technology and Business concentration; Senior standing.

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MU 4771. Internship: MTB. 1 Credit.

Supervised fieldwork designed to give students experience in specialized areas for their professional development. Prerequisite: MU 3771; Music Technology & Business concentration; Senior standing; Instructor permission.

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MU 4990. Special Topics. 1-18 Credits.

See Schedule of Courses for specific titles.

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MU 4991. Internship. 1-18 Credits.

On-site supervised work experience combined with a structured academic learning plan directed by a faculty member or a faculty-staff team in which a faculty member is the instructor of record, for which academic credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion.

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MU 4993. Independent Study. 1-18 Credits.

A course which is tailored to fit the interests of a specific student, which occurs outside the traditional classroom/laboratory setting under the supervision of a faculty member, for which credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion.

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MU 4994. Teaching Assistantship. 1-3 Credits.

Undergraduate student service as a teaching assistant, usually in an introductory level course in the discipline, for which credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion.

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MU 4995. Undergraduate Research. 1-18 Credits.

Undergraduate student work on individual or small team research projects under the supervision of a faculty member, for which credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion.

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MU 4996. Honors. 1-6 Credits.

College honors thesis or other department/program honors, under the supervision of a faculty member. Offered at department discretion.

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