The Pursuit of Knowledge

A Celebration of Student Research
̽̽ student Jamie Burke in the lab in front of glowing simulated cow rumen

For students at ̽̽, knowledge knows no bounds. Near or far from campus, they study everything from the most complex micro-ecosystems on the planet to the biggest threats to democracy today; they're engaged year-round, day and night, all in pursuit of knowledge. As this academic year enters its final stretch, we take a look at some of the most exciting research projects...

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Tim Hayes in horse barn

A Natural Horseman

When alumnus Tim Hayes, Class of 1967, climbed on a horse for the first time, at age forty-eight, his life pivoted. The lifelong New Yorker was already at a turning point when, on the heels of a divorce, he traveled out west. Then, at a friend of a friend’s cattle ranch, he saddled up and everything changed. “Something happened,” Hayes says.

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Suzie '15 (B.S. Animal Science/Microbiology)

NOTE: This story is only about one of the research opportunities that Suzie pursued at ̽̽. She was also recognized for her research pursuits by receiving the CALS Distinguished Undergraduate Researcher Award.

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