Benefit From Our Connections
The best internships expand your world while offering a glimpse of your potential future. What is it like to manage a farm, assist at a botanical garden, or conduct research? Our faculty will help you craft an internship experience enabling you to explore your interests and academic path.
Potential Internships
̽̽ Career Center information on Internships
Why do an internship?
- Experiential Learning - Take what you’ve learned in the classroom and test it in the real world.
- Self-Directed Learning - In collaboration with your host and advisor, you decide what, when and how to learn.
- Earn Money and Credit - Internship hosts may pay a wage or stipend or offer free room and board. Students may also earn up to 3 credits for internship hours.
Student Role and Responsibilities
Students are responsible for identifying suitable internship hosts with the internship coordinator, providing the internship coordinator with weekly updates via E-mail, and giving a presentation to PSS faculty and peers about their experience at the conclusion of the internship.
Students should be enrolled in PSS 158 (1 credit) which is graded on a pass/no pass basis. However, students may earn up to 3 credits depending upon whether or not their internship involves more extensive research activities.
Talk to our faculty internship coordinators to learn more about internship opportunities with Plant & Soil Science:
Terry Bradshaw
Mark Starrett
Yolanda Chen
A centralized expert resource for all things internship related.
̽̽'s internal job and internship database. Search for jobs and internships, upload your resume, and cover letter for feedback, apply for positions, and see information about on campus recruitment, info sessions, and other events.
Apply to the Job Shadowing program to be matched with a ̽̽ alum or parent for a one-day job shadow experience over winter break. You can see what a typical work day looks like, make connections to people in an industry, and determine if this type of job is a good fit with your interests and goals. Each year there are about 100 job shadow sites available in a variety of different industries and locations.
Use the “Jobs” tab to search for opportunities in various industries and locations! You can also find alumni and professionals to connect with to start building your network.
VBSR connects interns with companies in VT throughout the year. All internships are paid.