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Spherical Cows Help to Dump Metabolism Law

<img src="" height="300" width="430" />Apparently, the mysterious "3/4 law of metabolism" -- proposed by Max Kleiber in 1932, printed in biology textbooks for decades, explained theoretically in <em>Science</em> in 1997 and described in a 2000 essay in <em>Nature</em> as "extended to all life forms" from bacteria to whales -- is just plain wrong.

Fleming's Warhol Photos Provide Intimate Look at Artist's Work

<span id="preview"></span> <span id="caption">Flash Player is required to view this video. <a href="">Download Flash 10 here.</a></span></span>Glancing into the cases of the Fleming Museum's Wilbur Room might not immediately tip you off to the artist whose photographs are displayed within. The muted tones and stark lighting of the snapshots don't quite pop like Andy Warhol's colorful, iconic screen prints do. But the Polaroids are, in fact, the foundation of much of his work.</span> <script type='text/javascript' src='/~uvmpr/videos/swfobject.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript'> var s1 = new SWFObject('/~uvmpr/videos/player.swf','player','420','280','9'); s1.addParam('allowfullscreen','true'); s1.addParam('allowscriptaccess','always'); s1.addParam('flashvars','file=/~uvmpr/videos/warhol.flv&skin=/~uvmpr/videos/stijl.swf&image=/~uvmpr/videos/warhol_preview.jpg'); s1.write('preview'); </script>

Keep Your Lamps Burning

<img src="" height="212" width="300" />CNN anchor and special correspondent Soledad O'Brien taps her foot in time and softly sings along with the New Alpha Missionary Baptist Church Children's Gospel Choir as cherubic preschoolers join the honeyed voices of their older brothers and sisters, captivating a capacity crowd in Ira Allen Chapel.

Lab Rat: Undergrad Aids Research on Lung Function

<p><span id="caption">Flash Player is required to view this video. <a href="">Download Flash 10 here.</a></span>When Katie Accomando fires up the hair dryer, it's not a sign that she's readying herself for a new day or even a night out. The scene isn't the bathroom or a hair salon; it's a laboratory, where Accomando, an undergraduate student, is the expert operator of a complex piece of equipment designed to help measure the volume of the air in a mouse's lungs.</p>

Viewpoint: High Court's Hit on Campaign Finance Reform

<img src="" height="212" width="300" />On Jan. 21 the Supreme Court issued a sweeping decision that struck down McCain-Feingold campaign finance legislation restricting some political spending by corporations and, so doing, overturned a century of legal precedent. <em>¶¶Òõ̽̽ Today</em> spoke with a range of scholars for their analysis.


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