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April 18: David Just on the Value of Choice

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David Just, professor in the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management Photo: Rob Way
<p>David Just, a leading food policy scholar, will discuss the use of behavioral economics as a tool to fight obesity at ̽̽ on Monday, April 18. His guest lecture, "<a href="/~presdent/burack/Just_BurackPoster.pdf">The</a><a href="/~presdent/burack/Just_BurackPoster.pdf" target="_blank">Value Of Choice: A Behavioral Economic Approach To Food Policy</a>," will take place from4:30 - 5:30 p.m. in theSugar Maple Ballroom at the Dudley H. Davis Center at ̽̽. His talk is free and open to the public.</p>

How Cities Transform the Planet

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<p>Ruth DeFries, a MacArthur “genius,” explores the global impacts of urbanization. She will speak at ̽̽ on April 14.</p>


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