
Public Library Grant Program

Calling all Vermont public libraries!

Calling all Vermont public libraries!

Applications for the 2025 Vermont Public Library Grant Program are now open! Applications are due by 11:59 PM on April 18th, 2025. Libraries will be notified of their funding status by mid-March, and funds will be available for use between June 6, 2025 - June 5, 2026.

The Vermont State Department of Libraries and Vermont Space Grant Consortium have partnered to invite applications for grants of up to $1,000 to support STEM programming at Vermont public libraries. The objective of this grant program is to increase STEM engagement capacity at the community level across Vermont by providing our public libraries with supplemental funding to deliver high quality programs. Vermont contains the highest proportion of libraries and book mobiles (30.1 per 100,000), has the third highest rate of visits (5.5 per person), and the second highest per capita books and documents (4.6 per person) in the country. Public libraries offer quality programming at the local level, acting as a critical educational and community resource. With such amazing engagement and community support already, we believe it is important to support our public libraries as much as possible.

Application Guide (PDF)

2025 Application Cover Page (docx)

Grant Program Details


The objective of this grant program is to increase STEM engagement capacity at the community level across Vermont by providing public libraries with supplemental funding to deliver high quality programming. Proposed projects must be strongly aligned with NASA priorities and STEM concepts and have the potential to engage a substantial number of learners.


Eligible organizations include all recognized Vermont public libraries. Support from NASA funding is restricted to U.S. citizens, so any salary support for library staff must be budgeted accordingly. Libraries servicing a shared area may submit a joint application with a single lead library identified for administration of the grant, if awarded.

Award Description

Awards of up to $1,000 will provide financial support to develop and/or administer new STEM programming at Vermont public libraries. Proposed programs must have a substantial educational component in one or more STEM disciplines; must target K-12 students (or a subset of grade levels within K-12); and must have a potential to engage a substantial number of learners. The is a useful tool for libraries that may contain ideas, resources, and content that can be tailored to meet the goals of the proposal. Examples for eligible use of funds include but are not limited to:

  • Purchasing participant-focused materials needed to deliver the program, such as STEM kits, model rockets, measurement tools, etc.
  • Costs (subject to approval) to host an external STEM vendor, such as museum personnel, guest speakers, etc.
  • Salary support for library staff to design and deliver the proposed STEM program

All use of funds, including external vendors, will be subject to approval by the VTSGC based on NASA and federal regulations and should be detailed in the proposal. Please see the Application Guide for essential details on how to complete your proposal.

Obligations with Awards

All awardees will be required to provide a final report within 30 days of the end of their award period. Additional progress update(s) may be requested during the award period to address NASA reporting requirements.

Review Criteria

Selected applications will propose STEM programming that will engage K-12 aged students and will have a clearly described plan to develop and administer the suggested programming.

Applications will be reviewed by a panel of VTSGC and Vermont Department for Libraries staff who will assess the strengths and weaknesses in each of the following domains: overall impact, innovation, and scope of engagement. All applicants will receive written critiques regardless of award outcome. 

Budget and Matching Funds (Cost-Share)

A detailed budget and narrative must be part of the application package. All budget items should be fully explained within the narrative with detailed breakdowns in a budget table. For proposals that include staff salary support, the salary rates must mirror the current rates paid at the library. 

A 50% cost-share is required for applications to be eligible for funding. For example, an application requesting $600 of funding support must also intend to allocate $300 of their own budget on the proposed activity(s). Common sources of matching funds, or cost-share, are included in the Application Guide. The guide also provides a template budget table for the application.

Please use this guide when completing your application, as cost-share may sound difficult to provide, but the guide shows how it can be very simple! Many things your library already pays for, such as staff time and benefits, as well as things you don't pay for, such as volunteer time, can be counted as cost-share. These are detailed in the Application Guide.

Application Details

Applications must use 12-point font and 1-inch margins and should be submitted as a single PDF file emailed to SG.Director@uvm.edu using the subject line "2025 Library Grant Application." See the Application Guide (PDF) for details on how to prepare your application. Contact VTSGC Assistant Director, Ellen Brennan, at Ellen.Brennan@uvm.edu with any questions or needed assistance.

Application Checklist

Application Checklist

  1. 2025 Cover page (MSWord)
  2. Program narrative (limit: 1 page)
  3. Description of the library(s) and Vermont area served (limit: 500 words)
  4. Budget Detail with narrative and cost-share plan
  5. If applicable, a signed letter of commitment from external STEM vendors that will be participating in the proposed program.

Please see the Application Guide (PDF) for detailed instructions and templates to assemble your application. Incomplete applications cannot be considered.

Congratulations to Our 2024 Library Awardees!

Congratulations to Our 2024 Library Awardees!




Brown Public LibraryNorthfield, VTBPL Robotics Learning Program
Dorothy Alling Memorial LibraryWilliston, VTSTEM Adventures
Ilsley Public LibraryMiddlebury, VTIlsley LEGO Robotics
Morristown Centennial LibraryMorristown, VTSTEM Lab Afterschool Program
Russell Public LibraryMonkton, VTAfterschool Programs & Rigamajig
Westford Public LibraryWestford, VTLEGO Spike Prime Lendable Kits