Starting from Seed

Jess Colby, Rob Fitch, and Rhona Thomson (NorthWoods Stewardship Center)
Rob Fitch, Rhona Thomson, and Jess Colby operating the Dybvig, courtesy of Jess Colby, NorthWoods Stewardship Center.
December 28, 2022

View or download a copy of the episode transcript here.

By Cate Kreider

With the end of the year fast approaching, there is change in the air. Many restoration projects have wrapped up from 2022, and many others are preparing to start in the Spring of 2023. One such bittersweet change is the departure of Alison Adams from the Restoration Round Up podcast! Another shift is the changing of the guard in the Northwoods’ Stewardship Center’s Riparian Lands Crew. But in all cases these ends breed new beginnings, and the seeds have been sown for the next growing season.

In today’s episode, we spoke with Jess Colby and her field crew, Rob Fitch and Rhona Thompson, about the seed collection initiative they’ve been working on throughout the Spring and Fall of 2022. As the Riparian Projects and Forestry Outreach Coordinator for Northwoods, Jess has been heading this project contracted by Vermont State Fish and Wildlife, and funded by the Great Lakes Fisheries Commission. Seed collection of this scale hasn’t been done in Vermont prior but there are hopes of expanding the scope of the project in the coming year.

Join us for a discussion about field experiences, seed handling and collecting methods, and what the future holds for this crew, the seeds, and restoration projects across the state.


If you're interested in working with our guests on riparian and recreational projects or spaces, you can see the Northwoods Stewardship Center’s job listings and project updates on site, and reach Jess Colby by emailing jess [at]


This episode featured the call of the Common Merganser. It was recorded by Andrew Spencer in Lake County Minnesota on June 6th of 2012. We downloaded the song from

This project has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement (LC00A00695-0) to NEIWPCC in partnership with the Lake Champlain Basin Program.

Image: Image of Rob Fitch, Rhona Thomson, and Jess Colby operating the Dybvig, courtesy of Jess Colby, NorthWoods Stewardship Center.


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