
For peer-reviewed, scientific publications on research conducted in the Lake Champlain basin region, search our .

Lake Champlain Videos is a series of recently released videos to help people understand the lake and its processes and the actions people can take to protect and improve water quality and keep themselves and their pets safe. .

For Lake Champlain Sea Grant publications that include scientific journal articles, reports, brochures, fact sheets, videos, public service announcements, and other materials about our research, outreach, and education related to the Lake Champlain basin, search below.

2024 Research Fact Sheet

Published 2024
This fact sheet gives an overview of the research projects Lake Champlain Sea Grant funded in 2024.

Sustainable Salt Practices for Municipalities

Published 2024
This table summarizes a variety of sustainable salt practices that municipalities might consider, and references peer-reviewed and grey literature as related to pros and cons for the environment, costs, liability and service.

Published 2024
This video showcases the Adirondack Watershed Institute's (AWI) Wool and Water program. This program uses fiber arts to display environmental monitoring data. Michale Glennon, senior research scientist at AWI, began communicating scientific data through fiber arts in 2022 for the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act. This year, we are celebrating the success of the programand encourage you to get involved!
