X-ray Analytical Devices - Standard Operating Procedure
Any individual operating or using an x-ray analytical device shall register with the Radiation Safety Office (RSO) and attend a user safety lecture. Only authorized persons shall use x-ray analytical devices.
Operators and users of x-ray analytical devices shall be provided with a whole body dosimeter. Each month the RSO will send a new dosimeter for exchange with the previous months.
A log book shall be maintained which shall be kept available for inspection by the RSO. The log book shall contain the following information:
name of operator or user
date and time of use
length of time used
film badge worn (yes/no)
A list of authorized persons shall be posted on the analytical device or in the log book.
Operators or users shall notify the RSO of any incidents which are suspected to have caused radiation over-exposure.
In the event that the primary x-ray beam is not intercepted by the experimental apparatus under all conditions of operation , protective measures shall be provided to shield that primary x-ray beam.
If for any reason it is necessary to temporarily alter safety devices, such as by passing interlocks or removing shielding, such action shall be:
dated and posted near the machine so other persons will know of the existing status.
terminated as soon as possible.
Unused tube ports shall be closed in such a fashion that accidental radiation exposure will not occur.