Safety lab supplies are available in the following locations on campus. If you find that a specific location is low on a specific item that you need, please email

  • Colchester Research Facility 1st floor - on a shelf inside the mail room
  • Discovery - W210 Chemistry Stockroom (ask Travis Verrett or Ed Curtiss)
  • Firestone - TBD. Most likely loading dock area
  • Given 1st floor - in a box on the table near the mailboxes/mail room
  • Health Sciences Research Facility (HSRF) 2nd floor - across from the 239 electrical room
  • Jeffords 2nd and 3rd floor - in Autoclave Rooms (222 and 316)
  • Marsh Life Sciences basement - Lab & Life Sciences stockroom
  • Rubenstein Laboratory 1st floor - near mailboxes as you enter from loading dock
  • Stafford 3rd floor - North side lounge in metal safety cabinet
  • Terrill - in the 1st Floor Autoclave Room
  • Votey 2nd floor - Room 225B equipment room

The following materials should be available nearby or in the above locations:

  • Green chemical labels (large or small)
  • Orange chemical labels (large or small)
  • Yellow laboratory waste accumulation labels 
  • Laboratory waste tags
  • Eyewash/Shower Flush Logs (2 sided)
  • Laboratory Self-inspection checklists
  • Uncontaminated Lab Waste box labels

Be sure to check out Chemical Waste Disposal to find out more about proper collection, labeling, and storage of laboratory waste chemicals.