Steps to Purchasing a Computer

RSENR Community: Please note that RSENR has a computer replacement policy that can be found here. Annually (usually in July or August), you will receive an email if your computer is up for replacement. The email will provide approval and chartstring and you can begin the purchase at that time beginning with Step 2 below. In many cases, computers are needed/purchased outside of the replacement cycle, in these cases please follow the directions below.

Step 1: Approval for new computer. 

  • Funded on non-grant resources - Contact Rose Feenan for purchase approval and chartstring.
  • Funded on grant resources – Contact Anthony Fouche for approval through SPA offices (if approved, Anthony will ensure F-level budget is established).

Step 2: Submit a request to The initial request should include:

  • Subject title: New Computer: Name of individual
  • State: “Please direct this footprint to the ETS South Hub for processing.”
  • Include approval - Cut and paste approval language from Step 1
  • Provide full chartstring information.

Step 3: You will be contacted by the ETS South Hub office. This office will work with you on what type of computer is needed (and provide options). If the computer is outside the “normal” cost, the South Hub office will request additional approvals from Rose Feenan. ETS South Hub will not place the order until they confirm with you the computer specifics.  

Step 4: The ETS South Hub will place the computer order and update the footprint with the requisition/purchase number and attach documentation for purchase.

Step 5: Once the computer is received, the ETS South Hub office will image the computer (as required by ̽̽ Policy) and contact the owner to schedule the computer setup in your office (or for pickup).

Step 6: Existing computer – your existing computer may be kept for a short period of time before returning it to the ETS South Hub. In some cases, you may request to keep your existing computer as a secondary computer (normally for lab use only). You will work with the South Hub on this decision. All questions related to maintaining your existing computer may be directed to Rose Feenan.

Step 7: The ETS South Hub will maintain a complete RSENR computer inventory. All final documentation will be sent to the RSENR Business Office and will confirm that the inventory is updated and accurate.

Please note that any steps outside of the listed process may create delays and information gaps. Please do your best to follow the above steps or contact Rose Feenan with any questions.