What else do I need to know?
Benefits and Services: The benefits and services provided by the University to support ̽̽-Facilitated International Travel and ̽̽-Sponsored International Travel involving students, including:
- Coverage of students and accompanying faculty and staff by applicable University liability insurance, including defense and indemnification by ̽̽ per University policy;
- Emergency service and support by the University’s international emergency providers available up to 48 hours before and after the authorized business or program abroad, or up to the time required to travel home, whichever is longer;
- Assistance by ̽̽ personnel on campus in the event of unforeseen incidents in the country of travel;
- Pre-planning assistance from the University’s international emergency service and support provider when requested to minimize the risk and/or impact of unforeseen circumstances; and
- Eligibility for reimbursement of travel-related expenses under University travel policy if the international travel is for ̽̽ business.
International Travel Advisory Group: The International Travel Advisory Group serves four primary functions: 1) to advise ̽̽ central administration on recommended policies and procedures regarding international travel involving students; 2) to approve proposed ̽̽-Facilitated and ̽̽-Sponsored International Travel group travel involving students; 3) to consider requests for exceptions to this policy; and 4) to coordinate with ̽̽’s international emergency services provider and the ̽̽ Emergency Operations Group as appropriate in response to situations which may jeopardize ̽̽ student, faculty or staff while abroad on ̽̽-Sponsored or ̽̽-Facilitated International Travel involving students. The following are members:
- Director and assistant director of Risk Management
- University Counsel
- Director and assistant director of the Office of International Education
- A representative from the Division of Continuing and Distance Education
The group will involve other ̽̽ officials as needed.
Non-̽̽ International Travel: International travel involving students that is not related to ̽̽ business or programs and for which ̽̽ assumes no control or responsibility. ̽̽ students and any accompanying faculty and staff who engage in Non-̽̽ International Travel are not entitled to any travel-related benefits and services. ̽̽ is not responsible for reimbursement of any travel-related expenses for individuals engaged in Non-̽̽ International Travel and is not responsible for any bodily injury or property damage which may arise out of such travel. Additionally, ̽̽ employees and students participating in Non-̽̽ International Travel are not covered by University liability insurance, including defense and indemnification. By way of example, Non-̽̽ International Travel includes:
- Unapproved independent student organization or group travel;
- Personal travel (e.g., spring break or vacation travel);
- Travel conducted by an individual in conjunction with ̽̽-Sponsored or ̽̽-Facilitated International Travel but for which an individual has not completed University-required approvals and procedures;
- Non-affiliated individuals, including but not limited to family members, non-enrolled participants, and unapproved volunteers, in conjunction with ̽̽-Facilitated or ̽̽-Sponsored International Travel;
- Travel that is organized by a ̽̽ affiliated or unaffiliated organization which is unrelated to an academic course and/or has not received approval through University procedures.
̽̽-Facilitated International Travel: Student travel that is not supervised or controlled by ̽̽, but is registered through the Office of International Education. This also includes travel that is funded by ̽̽, such as through travel grants and scholarships. By way of example:
- Study abroad through another university (direct enroll or exchange) or through an outside organization that has been approved through the Office of International Education;
- Independent research, co-ops or internships approved by a ̽̽ faculty member through the Office of International Education. (Accompanied student research travel is addressed under “̽̽-Sponsored International Travel”);
- Student Government Association-approved ̽̽ student organization travel that is not supervised or controlled by ̽̽ faculty or staff, but is registered through the Office of International Education.
̽̽-Sponsored International Travel: Mission-related travel that is sponsored, supported and/or supervised by ̽̽ and for which ̽̽ exercises control; or, travel that is required to fulfill degree requirements. By way of example:
- ̽̽ course activities that are fully supported, supervised, and controlled by ̽̽ (e.g., ̽̽ Faculty-Led Programs Abroad, such as ̽̽ Semester Programs and short-term faculty-led programs, including Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Programs);
- ̽̽ student organization travel that is sponsored, controlled and supervised by University faculty and/or staff (e.g. Lawrence Debate Union);
- Travel that is required in order to fulfill degree requirements as directed by the academic units, including, but not limited to, master’s or doctoral level research;
- Travel for ̽̽ athletics that is controlled and supervised by University staff;
- Accompanied student research travel: It is the responsibility of faculty and staff who are taking graduate or undergraduate students on research projects or other University business to ensure that students’ activities are registered with the Office of International Education.
Procedures and related forms for ̽̽-Sponsored and ̽̽-Facilitated International Travel are found in the University Operating Procedure for International Travel Involving Students.
Cancellation of ̽̽-Sponsored International Travel and ̽̽-Facilitated International Travel
The University retains the right to cancel any ̽̽-Sponsored International and ̽̽-Facilitated International Travel prior to departure if, in the sole discretion of the University, the conditions in the foreign country are not safe for travel, the program is under-enrolled or other unforeseen circumstances occur which make the program infeasible or unsafe. The University reserves the right to cancel ̽̽-Sponsored and ̽̽-Facilitated International Travel after departure when, in the sole discretion of the University, conditions in the foreign country make it unreasonably unsafe for participants to remain. Participants in programs to study and travel abroad are strongly encouraged to purchase trip cancellation/travel insurance when booking travel.
Compliance with University Policies and Applicable Laws
Any individual participating in ̽̽-Sponsored International Travel and ̽̽-Facilitated International Travel is responsible for complying with all University policies and with all applicable laws of the foreign country.