
Welcome to ¶¶Òõ̽̽'s institutional policies!

This portal is the definitive source for official, approved, and most recent versions of University Policies, University Operating Procedures (UOPs), and University Guidelines.  University Policies, UOPs or University Guidelines located on other websites or in printed material may be incorrect or obsolete.  Individual departments are advised to link to this portal rather than placing a copy of a University Policy, UOP or Guideline on their own web pages. 

Through this portal, the Office of Compliance and Privacy Services aims to simplify the understanding of the many external laws, regulations and University Policies, UOPs and Guidelines that members of the University community need to follow. Providing a single source for all University Policies and UOPs simplifies the decision-making process.  With this goal in mind, please share your thoughts on how we can improve our services.  Call us at (802) 656-3086 or email us at policy@uvm.edu

Any University policy that deals in whole or in part with potential disciplinary matters shall not contravene any collective bargaining agreement.

Frequently Asked Questions