Program photo from a cooking class, neighborhood bock party, and preparing materials for our Welcome Bags

Ash Hoyt, Assistant Director

Ash Hoyt

Graduating from ¶¶Òõ̽̽ in 2015 and then working with community youth at the local high school, Ash is now excited to be back on campus! Her main responsibilities include office communication, event management, and office finance.


John Mejia, Associate Director

john has been working at ¶¶Òõ̽̽ since the year 2000, and joined the Office of Student & Community Relations in 2013. They engage in many different projects with the office, including organinzing the Off-Campus Living Workshop and our other educational and outreach initiatives.

Gail Shampnois, Director

Gail is the founding director of the Office of Student & Community Relations, and has worked at ¶¶Òõ̽̽ for 30 years. As the director for the office, she is involved in many projects involving conflict resolution, community relations, and education and outreach to students and non-student neighbors.

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