We're happy to have you back! Now that you’ve returned from abroad, you may be thinking about what to do next. Look below for logistical tips on returning from abroad, and for opportunities to continue your international experience here at ̽̽ and beyond.

Adjust back to the US and ̽̽

  • Many students find that the adjustment back to the US and ̽̽ can be more challenging in some ways than adjusting to their study abroad host country. This can be called "re-entry adjustment". Take note of the advice offered in the Pre-Departure Guidebook's Cultural Adjustment page, especially the "Suggestions for a Smoother Cultural Adjustment" section. This advice is useful when returning to the US as well as when you adjusted to your host country.
  • Keep in mind that staff at the OIE would love to hear about your experience abroad and is happy to talk with you about adjusting back to the US. All ̽̽ study abroad staff have had significant experience living, working, and traveling abroad, so we've experienced cultural adjustment also.
  • If you are struggling with the adjustment and would like to speak with a counselor, CAPS is available to provide counseling services and other resources as well.

Enter the Study Abroad Photo Contest

Each year, the OIE holds a Study Abroad Photo Contest for ̽̽ students who have studied abroad on an approved program. OIE uses the photos submitted for the contest to help inspire more ̽̽ students to study abroad. All winners will receive a prize of CAT$cratch added to your CATcard. The Spring 2024 photo contest is now closed.

Volunteer with OIE

One of the best ways to integrate your study abroad experiences with your life at̽̽is to get involved with newly arriving international and exchange students atOIE.

  • ճBuddy Program pairs international students with American students for cultural exchanges. This could encompass anything from greeting students at the airport when they first arrive, to serving as their̽̽representative and helping them get oriented to on- and off-campus life.
  • You can also bring your international experiences to ̽̽ by participating in the planning and preparations for campus events. There are many activities and events planned every year, including during International Education Week in November and International Women's Day in March. Check your ̽̽ email for upcoming opportunities!

Get Involved in International Clubs and Activities

We hope that you will share your international experience on campus by attending campus events and getting involved in international clubs. These events and activities allow you to connect with̽̽study abroad students and faculty to talk about your unique experience, cultural readjustment, and opportunities in international careers. At some events, you may have the opportunity to meet an international student here at̽̽from where you studied abroad. Review ourCalendar of Eventsǰforupcoming events, and take a look at theto find an international club.

Become a Study Abroad Peer Advisor

Peer advisors are study abroad returnees who work at OIE and help to promote study abroad at ̽̽. Their tasks include providing guidance to students interested in study abroad, maintaining the study abroad database, promoting study abroad on campus, and assisting in pre-departure orientation sessions. These are primarily Federal Worth Study positions but occassionally the OIE has non-FWS positions as well.

Study Abroad and Your Post-̽̽ Career

When you study abroad, you develop characteristics and skills that set you apart. Some of these include: Intercultural communication, Flexibility, Independence, Confidence, Problem-solving skills, foreign language skills, and more. Articulating these to prospective employers can help set you apart in the applicant pool. Think about how you might market this to employers, including through your:

  • Resume:Include your study abroad experience on your resume. You can do this by creating an entry under “Education” and listing relevant projects, volunteer work, or skills you acquired.
  • Cover Letter:Talk about your international experience in your cover letter. This is a great place to mention specific skills and experiences that may not stick out on your resume. Remember, your cover letter should be written for a specific position.
  • Interviews:Think about ways you can discuss your experience abroad in an interview. Common interview questions include how you dealt with uncertainty, handled a conflict, learned from failure, or dealt with a challenging situation. You can use examples from study abroad to help answer these questions and show how your student abroad experience sets you apart. Remember to only bring up what is relevant to the specific position you are applying to.

Many students are also interested in working abroad after graduation. ̽̽'s Career Center can be a great place to start, but don't forget connections with your network abroad - they can often help understand the job search process, see opportunities abroad, and make introductions for you. ̽̽'s Fellowship and Undergraduate Research (FOUR) Office is another great source of support.

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