
International Partnerships

International Partnerships and Programs promotes strong mutually beneficial relationships with university partners globally that further our shared interests in research, teaching, and engagement. These relationships enable advance discovery, learning, and creating opportunities for faculty, staff, and students.

In formalizing international partnerships, agreements document areas of collaboration, can facilitate mobility and/or knowledge exchange, supports institutional priorities, and creates a multi-year commitment to areas of mutual interest (teaching, research, exchange, service).  Agreements help create a framework for collaborations and can enable expanded research and academic opportunities. They can also bolster funding applications when the partnership is documented. Further, they can elevate the collaboration, creating greater visibility of the work.  

Formalizing a collaboration through an agreement is not needed to fulfill a single, discrete international program, such as a joint publication, an exchange of faculty or staff, or short-term scholarly visit or training.  Rather, the agreement is for more durable engagements that continue for multiple years.  The goals of the agreement may include student exchange, faculty exchange, joint research, scholar training, student pathway programs, for example. 

The mechanisms for requesting a partnership vary based on the type of partnership being sought, and IPP will be engaged, working across multiple units to review and facilitate approved international agreements.