Associate Director

Picture of researchers conducting an interview

Colin Anderson serves on the leadership team of the Institute for Agroecology as Associate Director and is an Associate Research Professor in the Plant and Soil Department.

His work focuses on community- and people- ledÌýÌýfor resilience, social justice and well-being. He works with communities, networks and organizations in social movements who are organizing to confront intersecting crises we face today and who are reimagining and building alternatives. Colin is committed to engaged and participatory research, learning and action in hisÌýÌý²¹²Ô»åÌý. This is anchored by a commitment toÌý, which involves a political and social process of co-producing and deploying knowledge in processes of social transformation. He is a co-convenor of the international platform,Ìý, and is always eager to connect with potential collaborators to exchange, learn and dream up projects, programs and new lines of work.

Book cover for Agroecology Now bookColin teaches on the Certificate in Graduate Studies in Agroecology and is involved in aÌý range of research programs, including on: agroecology transformations, territorial food systems, food sovereignty, pedagogy and learning and more.

Colin advises several students and postdocs including:



Colin’s publications can be .

Associations and Affiliations

  • Affiliate of
  • Member of ¶¶Òõ̽̽ Food Systems Program Faculty
  • Member of Leadership Team for
  • Honorary Research Fellow. Coventry University. Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience
  • Visiting Associate Professor at the University of Oregon (USA). Department of Global Studies
  • Member of
  • Member of AgroecologyNow Research and Knowledge Mobilization Group ()
  • Editorial Board Member of t
  • Editorial Board Member of the
  • Core member of ARC - Agroecology Research-Action Collective
Picture of Colin Anderson

Areas of Expertise and/or Research

Agroecology Transformations, Governance of Food Systems, Knowledge Mobilization, Participation and Power, Transformative Action Research, Learning and Pedagogy, Use of Media and Narratives for Transformative Change, People’s Knowledge


  • Ph.D. in Environment and Geography. The University of Manitoba.
  • B.A. Psychology (Major), Sociology (Minor). The University of Manitoba.


Office Hours:

By Appointment


Courses Taught

Just Transitions in Food Systems

Participatory Action Research and Transdisciplinarity in Agroecology