
Agroecology Support

Agroecology Support

The IfA Agroecology Support Team (AES) provides support to NGOs, donors, governments and other actors seeking support to bring transformative agroecology into their work, but require increased capacity, competency and guidance. We accompany grassroots organizations and networks in long-term relationships, as well as provide short-term services and consultancy to governments, funders and NGOs. This area of work is about action and directly supporting transitions on the ground and in organizations. 

The Team

Our team provides tailored support in the form of advice, accompaniment, training, co-learning, systemization and research design-delivery. The focus is on enhancing endogenous capacity in organizations and territories – meeting people wherever they are at in the process of engaging with agroecology transitions – and will draw from our wide network of affiliate agroecologists across the world to provide mentoring and coaching and especially nurturing peer-to-peer and south-to-south support. 

Current Work

We currently provide support to the -funded  working across 12 countries. Our team accompanies various organizations in the Agroecology movement in Vermont and has been hired to take on consultancies with UN Agencies and major donors in agroecology.

If you have needs in relation to research, learning and innovation in transformative agroecology and are interested in the IfA’s support, please contact agroecology@uvm.edu for more information.