In recent years, economic changes in the academic publishing industry have meant that publishers are increasingly requiring authors to “co-invest” in their works by providing financial support to cover certain production and permissions costs. To ensure that this requirement is not a roadblock to faculty productivity, the Humanities Center will provide up to $1500 to faculty members who are required by their publisher to cover some costs of publication. Subventions are available to faculty who have already secured a formal and current publication contract for a peer-reviewed book or journal article.

Deadline: ongoing/rolling, until funds are depleted within a given fiscal year.


Full-time faculty with tenure-track, lecturer, or library appointments. The faculty member’s home department should be a humanities department OR, if it is not, the publication should be in a humanities field. It is also not a creative arts subvention fund; those faculty seeking support for expenses related to performances, gallery exhibitions, etc. should direct their requests to the College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office.

PRIORITY FOR Subventions WILL BE GIVEN TO faculty who have already secured a formal and current publication contract for a peer-reviewed book or journal article. SECONDARY PRIORITY WILL BE GIVEN TO APPLICATIONS FROM FACULTY SERVING AS EDITORS OF PEER-REVIEWED BOOKS, SUBJECT TO AVAILABLE FUNDS.

Award level

Up to $1500

Recipients are limited to one subvention every two years, and must acknowledge the Humanities Center Publication Subvention Fund in the publication itself.

Application process

The materials described below should be compiled into a single PDF document:

  • A description of the book or article, not to exceed two pages. It should be free of jargon and accessible to non-specialists. It should explain 1) the conception and definition of the project; and 2) the significance of the project, explaining both its impact on the applicant’s career and the applicant’s field.
  • Proposed budget. Approved items include costs of production or permissions. It does not allow for travel, book promotion expenses, dust jacket artwork, or purchase of copies.
  • A signed, current contract with the publisher.
  • A 2-page CV.
  • Other sources of funding secured for this project, including research grants or other funding. If you have other sources of funding for this project, please explain why those resources cannot be applied to production costs. If you have access to other subvention monies (including departmental funds, professional development funds, etc.) please include those and the amounts.

Send your submission, or direct any questions, to

Some Recent Publications Supported:

  • Erik Esselstrom, History, for That Distant Country Next Door: Popular Japanese Perceptions of Mao's China (University of Hawai'i Press, 2019)
  • Teresa Mares, Anthropology, for Life on the Other Border: Farmers and Food Justice in Vermont (University of California Press, 2019)