Dataset Overview

Summarized data for permanently tagged trees that are evaluated annually for crown condition, injury to bole and crown, taphole closure, seed production, regeneration and early and late season defoliation.

See Full Dataset Documentation


Annual measurement of sugar maple forest stands to determine tree condition, trends and possible causes of sugar maple decline.

Data Collection Status

Data collection for this dataset is ongoing

Start date



38 records with 71 fields

Data Availability

Available for download

Data License

Preferred Citation

Sandra Wilmot. 2017. Summary of Cluster- and Transect-Level Data for NAMP. VT Department of Forests, Parks, & Recreation. FEMC. Can be found at: /femc/data/archive/project/forest-health-monitoring-north-american-maple/dataset/summary-cluster-transect-level-data-namp

Update Frequency


Maintenance Plan



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