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The methods followed in the creation of the dataset, including description of field, laboratory and processing steps, and quality control procedures
Current Methods
Tree metrics
Started: 1988-06-01Permanently tagged trees are evaluated annually for crown condition, injury to bole and crown, taphole closure, seed production, regeneration and early and late season defoliation. Plot consists of 5 subplots, 20 X 20 m size. Trees are permanently tagged. Protocols follow international NAMP methods manual.
Past Methods (No longer in use)
- Injury assessment after ice storm
Started: 1998-01-30
Ended: 1998-06-01In 1998, special spring survey was conducted to assess injury from the January ice storm. Addition of regeneration counts was also added.
Dataset Fields
Detailed documentation of the fields comprising the dataset, including the type of measurement, units where applicable, and any controlled vocabularies or code lists present in the data
Field Name Caption Description Additional Information 1995 % Sugar Maple 1995 % Sugar Maple 1995 % sugar maple
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:1998IceStrm 1998IceStrm 1998 ice storm
Measurement type: Nominal 1998IceStrmCode 1998IceStrmCode 1998 ice storm code
Measurement type: Nominal 2005 % Sugar Maple 2005 % Sugar Maple 2005 % Sugar Maple
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:2005 Lecanium Maximum Numeric Rating 2005 Lecanium Maximum Numeric Rating 2005 Lecanium Maximum Numeric Rating
Measurement type: Nominal 2005 Lecanium Maximum Rating 2005 Lecanium Maximum Rating 2005 Lecanium Maximum Rating
Measurement type: Nominal 2006 Lecanium Maximum Numeric Rating 2006 Lecanium Maximum Numeric Rating 2006 Lecanium Maximum Numeric Rating
Measurement type: Nominal 2006 Lecanium Maximum Rating 2006 Lecanium Maximum Rating 2006 Lecanium Maximum Rating
Measurement type: Nominal 2006 Management Type 2006 Management Type 2006 Management Type
Measurement type: Nominal 2007 Lecanium Maximum Numeric Rating 2007 Lecanium Maximum Numeric Rating 2007 Lecanium Maximum Numeric Rating
Measurement type: Nominal 2007 Management Type 2007 Management Type 2007 Management Type
Measurement type: Nominal Biophysical Region Biophysical Region Biophysical Region
Measurement type: Nominal Canopy closure 2007 text Canopy closure 2007 text Canopy closure 2007 text
Measurement type: Nominal County County County
Measurement type: Nominal Crown closure at plot establishment Crown closure at plot establishment Measurement type: Nominal Crown structure at plot establishment Crown structure at plot establishment Crown structure at plot establishment
Measurement type: Nominal Elev(ft) Elev(ft) Elev(ft)
Measurement type: Interval
Units:Elev(m) Elev(m) Elev(m)
Measurement type: Interval
Units:ExoticPlnt2005 ExoticPlnt2005 ExoticPlnt2005
Measurement type: Nominal ExoticPlntCode ExoticPlntCode ExoticPlntCode
Measurement type: Nominal Foliar calcium 1999 Foliar calcium 1999 Foliar calcium 1999
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:Foliar nitrogen 1999 Foliar nitrogen 1999 Foliar nitrogen 1999
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:Growth rate: Adjusted BAI 1997 Growth rate: Adjusted BAI 1997 Growth rate: Adjusted BAI 1997
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:Growth rate: BAI 1973-1997 Growth rate: BAI 1973-1997 Growth rate: BAI 1973-1997
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:Growth rate: BAI 1993-1997 Growth rate: BAI 1993-1997 Growth rate: BAI 1993-1997
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:InitHlth InitHlth initial health
Measurement type: Nominal Initial crown closure Initial crown closure Measurement type: Nominal Initial crown structure Initial crown structure Initial crown structure
Measurement type: Nominal Landform Landform Landform
Measurement type: Nominal Landform code Landform code Landform code
Measurement type: Nominal Logging at time of plot establishment Logging at time of plot establishment Logging at time of plot establishment
Measurement type: Nominal MapSoilName MapSoilName MapSoilName
Measurement type: Nominal Microrelief Microrelief Microrelief
Measurement type: Nominal Microrelief code Microrelief code Microrelief code
Measurement type: Nominal Nitrogen Deposition (kg ha-1 y-1) [EK Miller, 1997] Nitrogen Deposition (kg ha-1 y-1) [EK Miller, 1997] Nitrogen Deposition (kg ha-1 y-1) [EK Miller, 1997]
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:Nitrogen deposition level [ek miller] Nitrogen deposition level [ek miller] Nitrogen deposition level [ek miller]
Measurement type: Ordinal Nitrogen deposition level [focus fund] Nitrogen deposition level [focus fund] Nitrogen deposition level [focus fund]
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:Origianl nitrogen deposition level Original nitrogen deposition level Original nitrogen deposition level
Measurement type: Ordinal Original Management Type Original Management Type Original Management Type
Measurement type: Nominal Original sulfur deposition level Original sulfur deposition level Original sulfur deposition level
Measurement type: Ordinal Plotconfig Plotconfig Plotconfig
Measurement type: Nominal Plot_ID Plot_ID Plot_ID
Measurement type: Nominal Site exposure Site exposure Measurement type: Nominal Site Quality text Site Quality text Site Quality text
Measurement type: Ordinal Site rockiness code Site rockiness code Site rockiness code
Measurement type: Nominal Slope Slope Measurement type: Ordinal Slope position Slope position Slope position
Measurement type: Nominal Slope position code Slope position code Slope position code
Measurement type: Nominal Soil B Ca/Al 1999 Soil B Ca/Al 1999 Soil B Ca/Al 1999
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:Soil B calcium 1999 Soil B calcium 1999 Soil B calcium 1999
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:Soil drainage update Soil drainage update Soil drainage update
Measurement type: Nominal Soil Drainage update code Soil Drainage update code Soil Drainage update code
Measurement type: Nominal Soil Oe Ca/Al 1999 Soil Oe Ca/Al 1999 Soil Oe Ca/Al 1999
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:Soil Oe calcium 1999 Soil Oe calcium 1999 Soil Oe calcium 1999
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:Soil pH B 1999 Soil pH B 1999 Soil pH B 1999
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:Soil pH Oe 1999 Soil pH Oe 1999 Soil pH Oe 1999
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:Soil rockiness Soil rockiness Soil rockiness
Measurement type: Ordinal Soil texture update Soil texture update Soil texture update
Measurement type: Nominal Soil Texture update code Soil Texture update code Soil Texture update code
Measurement type: Nominal SoilMUNAME SoilMUNAME SoilMUNAME
Measurement type: Nominal Stand Age (2007) Stand Age (2007) Stand Age (2007)
Measurement type: Ordinal Stand structure 2007 text Stand structure 2007 text Stand structure 2007 text
Measurement type: Nominal Sulfur deposition (kg ha-1 y-1) [EK Miller, 1997] Sulfur deposition (kg ha-1 y-1) [EK Miller, 1997] Sulfur deposition (kg ha-1 y-1) [EK Miller, 1997]
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:Sulfur deposition level [ek miller] Sulfur deposition level [ek miller] Sulfur deposition level [ek miller]
Measurement type: Ordinal Sulfur deposition level [focus fund] Sulfur deposition level [focus fund] Sulfur deposition level [focus fund]
Measurement type: Ordinal Total Nitrogen deposition (kg/ha) [focus fund] Total Nitrogen deposition (kg/ha) [focus fund] Total Nitrogen deposition (kg/ha) [focus fund]
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:Total Nitrogen deposition (lbs/acre) [focus fund] Total Nitrogen deposition (lbs/acre) [focus fund] Total Nitrogen deposition (lbs/acre) [focus fund]
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:Total Sulfur Deposition (kg/ha) [focus fund] Total Sulfur Deposition (kg/ha) [focus fund] Total Sulfur Deposition (kg/ha) [focus fund]
Measurement type: Ratio
Units:Total Sulfur Deposition (lbs/acre) [focus fund] Total Sulfur Deposition (lbs/acre) [focus fund] Measurement type: Town Town Measurement type: YrsDefolFTC YrsDefolFTC Measurement type: Sampling Equipment
Equipment and software used to collect data, including how that equipment was used.
No sampling equipment recorded for this dataset
Site Characteristics
The spatial extent of the dataset site coverage, and descriptions of the spatial extent and context for the data collection
- Site Description
West slope of Mt. Mansfield in Browns River watershed, in sugar maple forest at Proctor Maple Research Center.